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        5,672 results found

        Community support organisations

        A list of some of the community support organisations in Leeds.  We appreciate this is a fraction of what is actually going on so if you're not on here, please get in touch and we'll add...

        Community Support Grants by Ward 2019-21

        The Dataset contains details of the distribution of Community Support grants by ward between 2019-21

        Voluntary & Community Sector Support from Harrogate Borough Council

        Voluntary & Community Sector Support from Harrogate Borough Council - includes info/data on Queens Diamond Jubilee Small Grant Fund, The Community Chest Small Grants Scheme, Annual Corporate...

        Supporting Communities in Neighbourhood Planning

        These tables show areas allocated grant and direct support since 1st May 2013

        Community Care Statistics: Supported Residents for Adults, England

        his statistical report presents information on residential and nursing care placements funded by Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs). The information used within this...

        People supported through personal budgets or direct payments receiving community-based services (%) (ADASS Survey definition)

        People supported through personal budgets or direct payments receiving community-based services (%) (ADASS Survey definition) *This indicator has been discontinued.

        Supporting People

        Supporting People Quarterly Client Records and Outcomes Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

        Funding Policy - Community Learning

        Funding Policy - Community Learning, annual budget to support the local community.

        Mid Ulster Council Emergency Support Centres

        Mid Ulster Council Emergency Support Centres maintained by the Council and the Community

        Mid Ulster Council Emergency Support Centres

        Mid Ulster Council Emergency Support Centres maintained by the Council and the Community

        Community Infrastructure Levy

        The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on new buildings in England and Wales. It is a mechanism to ensure certain types of new development contribute to the infrastructure needed to...

        Covid 19 - Support to providers

        Support to providers that the council has contracts with. In addition to financial support the Council has developed a voluntary workforce scheme to support the care homes using volunteers sourced...

        Domestic violence support documents and guidance

        A dataset providing a set of information to help practitioners dealing with cases of domestic violence and abuse, including honour based violence and forced marriage. Included are leaflets for...

        Open Data Communities

        OpenDataCommunities is the official UK Department for Communities and Local Government linked data platform. The platform provides a selection of official statistics and data outputs on a variety...

        Government support

        Government support to the rail industry Source agency: Office for Rail Regulation Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

        Assets of Community Value

        The Council must introduce and administer a scheme which makes provision for local community groups to nominate buildings or land within the district to be included in a List of Assets of Community...

        Community-led Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Project

        Scotland coastlines and waters are a special place for marine habitats and wildlife. The Community-led Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Project encourages everyone to get involved in the survey and...

        Community-led Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Project

        Scotland coastlines and waters are a special place for marine habitats and wildlife. The Community-led Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Project encourages everyone to get involved in the survey and...

        Community Outreach Programme Evaluation 2023-24

        ICF Consulting Services Ltd were commissioned to undertake an Evaluation of The Community Outreach Programme. The evaluation aims to assess the outcomes and impacts of The Community Outreach...

        Map of Community Views

        Image: Snapshot from the Map of Community...