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475 results found

Onshore Wind Energy 2017 Wind Farm Spatial Framework - Moray

Areas with Potential where wind farms are likely to be acceptable subject to detailed consideration against policy criteria, the Moray Onshore Wind Energy Supplementary Guidance and the Moray Wind...

2000-2001 Strong et al. UK Sargassum muticum records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from James Strong. The species listed is Sargassum muticum.

2000-2001 Strong et al. UK Sargassum muticum records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from James Strong. The species listed is Sargassum muticum.

Moray Onshore Wind Energy 2017 Wind Farm Spatial Framework (Moray)

Areas with Potential where wind farms are likely to be acceptable subject to detailed consideration against policy criteria, the Moray Onshore Wind Energy Supplementary Guidance and the Moray Wind...

Winding Holes

Point dataset showing the position of winding holes and other recommended turning points along the navigational network. Captured from OS MasterMap.

Wind Turbine Permissions

This data set has been derived from the Development Management system used by Cornwall Council's Planning and Regeneration Service. It should be noted that the data included does not necessarilly...

Wind Farms - South Ayrshire

This is a comprehensive dataset of all wind farm schemes within South Ayrshire including proposed, withdrawn, refused, constructed, and consented wind farms. The map shows the approximate physical...

Wind Turbines (WFS)

WFS Service provides download capabilities for location and details of wind turbines above 15 metres height in Fife

Wind Energy Capacity Study

The council, together with Scottish Natural Heritage have commissioned Consultant Landscape Architects to update the Argyll and Bute Landscape Wind Energy Capacity Study 2012. The study provides...

Wind Turbines Northumberland

WMS service of Wind Turbines in Northumberland categorised by status: Decommissioned, Approved and Operational. Includes address, Height to Tip , Height to Hub, Power Output, Responsible Party...

Wind Turbines - Fife

A spatial dataset of all wind turbine applications over 15m (non-domestic) in height excluding scoping/screening/pre-app stages. Information recorded includes Planning application reference, Number...

Allerdale Wind Turbine Applications

Wind Turbine Applications recorded as point location for each planning application.

Wind Farm Proposals Scotland

The windfarm footprint map is intended to provide an overview only and we endeavour to keep the map as up to date as possible. However, users should note: •The map is updated regularly, but will...

Wind Turbines - Scotland

This point dataset represents every known (and/ or applied for) wind turbine over 15m (to turbine tip) in the country. It includes details (where known) of planning reference, height, status (i.e....


This extract is taken from ArcGIS created polygons showing wind farm development zones within the borough of Ashford, Kent.

CYC Build Strong Communities Scorecard

The Council Plan for 2011-2015 has been succeeded by the new Council Plan for 2015-2019 and the Priority Board framework has been replaced. Please refer to the Executive Member Portfolio and York...

Wind Turbine Spatial Framework - Scotland

This dataset contains areas classified by their suitability for onshore wind turbine development, falling into one of three groups: Group 1: Areas where wind farms will not be acceptable: National...

WATCH Forcing Data (WFD) - 20th Century Wind (near surface wind speed) 1901-2001

The WATCH Forcing data is a twentieth century meteorological forcing dataset for land surface and hydrological models. It consists of three/six-hourly states of the weather for global half-degree...

Wind Turbines - South Ayrshire

A spatial dataset showing planning applications with 3 or less wind turbines showing relevant planning application information. The data shows: Application reference number, Location, Hight of...

2010 Defra MB0106 Round 2 Wind Farms

Round 2 wind farm lease areas. Locations of all successful wind farm sites from the round 1 tender that have completed lease documentation