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45 results found

Strain measurements on 21 trees in Wytham Woods, UK

This data contains the strain and wind data collected for 21 trees in Wytham Woods, a mature temperate woodland in southern England, from September 2015 to June 2016. This data was collected in...

Cyclic loading stress-strain data in polycrystalline antigorite serpentinite, at various confining pressures and temperatures (NERC grant NE/M016471/1)

Cyclic loading stress-strain data in polycrystalline antigorite serpentinite, at various confining pressures and temperatures. This dataset is used and fully described/interpreted in the paper:...

A time-series of strains in response to wind measured on 19 trees in Danum Valley, Malaysia

Strain data measured on the trunks of nineteen trees in the Danum Valley, Malaysia. It also contains wind speed data measured using anemometers attached to emergent trees nearby. This data can be...

Bending strains on the trunks of trees on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, 2022

This dataset contains time-series measurements of trees bending in the wind. The data was collected in 2022 in Barro Colorado Island, Panama. 105 trees were measured, with two sensors per tree...

Plaque reduction neutralisation test results for common guillemot (Uria aalge) blood samples tested against twelve strains of a tick-borne virus, Great Island virus

This dataset contains plaque reduction neutralisation test (PRNT) results for common guillemot (Uria aalge) blood samples tested against twelve strains of a tick-borne virus, Great Island virus....

Micromechanics of shear failure in a porous rock: a combined dataset of high-resolution time-resolved 3D x-ray micro-tomography volumes and local 3D strain fields with contemporaneous acoustic emissions and ultrasonic velocity survey waveforms

This dataset shows both the micro-scale mechanisms and acoustic response involved in shear failure of a deforming porous rock. To our knowledge, this is the first such dataset to combine...

Mechanical data and X-ray CT slices of quartz-monzonite samples deformed by high strain rate loading (NERC grant NE/M004716/1)

Data used for the peer-reviewed manuscript entitled 'Variation of hydraulic properties due to dynamic fracture damage: Implications for fault zones' by Aben, FM, Doan, M-L, and Mitchell, TM....

Mechanical response of anisotropic rocks under hydraulic fracture conditions: new experimental insights (NERC grant NE/L009110/1)

Text data capturing pore fluid pressures (upstream and downstream), axial stress, axial and radial displacement were conditioned and logged by a high-speed data acquisition unit (NI-DAQ 6341)...

Population dynamics of evolving bacterial populations in liquid media, 2020

This data was collected from co-evolving bacterial populations containing Pseudomonas fluorescens strain SBW25 and a plasmid, pQBR57. The composition of the community was tracked using flow...

Triaxial compressive strength data of tests conducted at elevated temperature on hydrothermalised basalt samples from Osa Peninsula (Costa Rica) and oceanic crust basalt from Cocos Plate

This dataset contains raw (clean but not interpreted) triaxial compressive strength data of tests conductive at elevated pressure and temperature as outlined in "Vannucchi, P., Clarke, A., de...

Raw output data of axisymmetric rock deformation experiments on neighbourite (NERC grant NE/L007363/1)

Data files have .dat extension and can be opened with Notepad or any basic text editor software. Each file contains details of sample name, dimensions (length and diameter). All deformed samples...

Electron backscatter diffraction data and sample analysis from the Nusfjord Shear Zone, Lofoten, Norway (NERC Grant NE/P001548/1)

Field and microstructural analysis of pseudotachylytes formed at lower crustal depths and now lying exposed in the Flakstadøy Anorthosite, Lofoten, Norway. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)...

Concentrations and antibiotic resistance of faecal indicator organisms and human pathogens associated with sewage waste on Scottish beaches, 2021

The data includes concentrations of faecal indicator organisms isolated from the plastic waste and natural substrates found on Scottish beaches, as well as the antibiotic resistance of selected...

Deformation of Sandstone under Crustal Pressure and Temperature Conditions (NERC Grant NE/L002485/1)

Data generated at UCL on a conventional triaxial apparatus used to deform three different sandstones at room temperature and 150 °C. The data includes the raw mechanical data (time, load,...

Deformation and acoustic emission of Neapolitan Yellow Tuff

These data represent a series of analyses exploring the seismic behaviours of low-cohesion volcanic sediments – in this case the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff - under varying strain rates. The data...

Bacteroides phages recovered from human and animal faecal matrices in rural Kenya

This data describes the recovering and isolation processes of Bacteroides spp. strains from human and cattle faecal sources from rural areas in Siaya County (Kenya), and occurred between 7th and...

Mechanical and physical properties of quartz sand aggregates (NERC grant NE/K009656/1)

These data contain time series of stress, strain, confining pressure, pore pressure, pore volume and elastic wave velocities of samples of quartz sand aggregates deformed under hydrostatic and...

Mechanical and acoustic properties of antigorite during brittle deformation (NERC grant NE/M016471/1)

These data contain time series of stress, strain, confining pressure, elastic wave velocities of samples of Vermont antigorite and Westerly granite deformed under hydrostatic and triaxial...

Experimental logs and analysis of olivine polymorphs and MORB (Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt) composition garnetite samples recovered from high-pressure faulting experiments

Multi-anvil experiments were performed both in static and deformation geometries on olivine polymorphs and MORB (Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt) -composition garnetite. Faults were induced by uniaxial...

Mechanical and physical properties of decane-saturated Purbeck Limestone (NERC Grant NE/K009656/1)

These data contain time series of stress, strain, confining pressure, pore pressure, pore volume, permeability and elastic wave velocities of samples of Purbeck Limestone deformed under hydrostatic...