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        8,874 results found

        Boundary stones

        Data showing the locations and information about the boundary stones across Plymouth. To find out more about boundary stones in Plymouth visit:...

        Stepping Stones

        Locations of STEPPING STONES within the Ribble Valley

        Soil Series stone properties

        Information on the stone content of soil series

        Reference samples of building stones

        A collection of large-size, representative hand samples of building stones from current and historic quarries in the UK, together with specimens from historic buildings supplied by conservation...

        Raw and lithology-sorted data for building stones in Cambridgeshire churches

        Raw and lithology-sorted data on building stone in about 125 churches in South Cambridgeshire. Each line on the sheets is one dated project of building or repair. The Key tab explains the various...

        YDNPA Local Plan Policy W1 – Ecological networks (stepping stone)

        Identifies ‘stepping stone’ areas that have wildlife importance and so are offered some protection against development. Yorkshire Dales Local Plan 2015-30

        Stone Sites Dataset for Archaeological Viewshed Analysis Study of Glengorm Area on the Isle of Mull, Scotland

        This Stone Sites dataset shows the location of stone sites in the Glengorm area of the Isle of Mull. This is part of a study conducted in the 1980s and 1990s which examined prehistoric ritual...

        Runnel Stone (Formally Lands End) Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Infauna Data - 2014

        Counts and presence/absence of species of macrofauna identified from 15 grab samples collected at Runnel Stone (Formally Lands End) Marine Conservation Zone on the 13th March 2014 The data were...

        Runnel Stone (Formally Lands End) Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Data

        Two surveys of Runnel Stone (Formally Lands End) rMCZ site have been completed to date (Apr 2015): Cruise: EA_wgdn0112 Date: 12th - 13th Mar 2013 Data collected: MB Bathymetry Coverage...

        Isles of Scilly Bristow to Stones Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Acoustic Survey Data 2013

        Multibeam sonar survey covering Bristow to the Stones MCZ in 2013, full site coverage outwards of between 25-75m depth (chart datum). Lines run at varying spacing with no cross lines run. Data...

        2013 - 2013 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Isles of Scilly Bristow to Stones Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Data

        One survey of Bristow to Stones rMCZ site have been completed to date (Apr 2015): Cruise: ISSS_CEND0113Y Date: 3rd Jan - 25th Jan 2013 Data collected: MB Bathymetry Coverage (Contractor): 80pc...

        Thurrock Natural & Semi-natural Greenspace

        Natural and Semi Natural Green Space. This data supports the Greengrid and Local Development Framework Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public...


        Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains OS MasterMap features catagorised into green infrastructure typologies, and an assessment of the functionality of the feature.

        Natural and Semi-Natural Openspace

        Natural and Semi-Natural urban green spaces. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the review. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

        Local Nature Reserves (Scotland - NatureScot)

        LNRs are established in a variety of locations with very varied habitats and species. They must lie wholly within the area of jurisdiction of the local authority which declares them...

        Nature Reserves

        This is a polygon dataset and identifies Nature Reserves within the Maldon District

        Natural Heritage Futures

        Many countries around the world have begun to adopt zonation systems as a strategic framework to guide their approach to the conservation, enhancement, understanding and use of the natural...

        UK Natural Capital

        This article provides the monetary estimates of the UK natural capital. Natural capital includes all natural resources including ecosystem assets and the services that they provide. Valuation of...

        Natural neighbourhoods

        Natural neighbourhoods are neighbourhood definitions and boundaries created during a consultation with Edinburgh residents. Natural neighbourhood boundaries were created in 2004 as part of a review...

        Nature Conservation Orders

        Nature Conservation Orders (NCOs) are made to protect any natural feature of land that is within (1) a site of special scientific interest (SSSI), (2) a European site or (3) other land of special...