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        1,141 results found

        Suspended Solids

        Suspended solids from Environment Agency's WIMS data archive.

        Possible Demonstration & Research MPAs

        Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) can be designated by Scottish Ministers under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010. The boundaries of the Possible Demonstration and Research MPAs...

        Possible Special Areas of Conservation (England)

        These are possible SAC site boundaries. Please note that as a result of the consultation there may be minor changes to the final boundary of the site once designated. A Special Area of Conservation...

        Possible Contaminated Land

        showing location of sites in london borough of lambeth whose previous uses could have caused the land to be contaminated

        Saved Local Plan Policy E8 - Possible Green Routes

        Dataset showing Possible Green Routes under Policy E8 of the Saved Local Plan 2006. Areas recorded as polygons. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of...

        Saved Local Plan Policy E15 - Possible cycle routes

        Sites allocated for Possible cycle routes under the Saved Local Plan policy E15. Areas recorded as polylines. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the...

        Saved Local Plan Policy E10 - Possible Station Sites

        Dataset showing Possible Station Sites under Policy E10 of the Saved Local Plan 2006. Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the...

        Solid wall and off gas network properties, (LSOA)

        Number and percentage of properties with solid walls and those not connected to gas mains at Lower Super Output Area level. Data is taken from the rural fuel poverty study funded by Eaga...

        River Water Quality Monitoring 1990 to 2018 - Suspended Solids

        This table provides the raw data from river monitoring sites including Water Framework Directive monitoring sites. It should be noted that, as the data set is in its raw state, it cannot be used to...

        River Water Quality Monitoring 1990 to 2018 - Suspended Solids

        This table provides the raw data from river monitoring sites including Water Framework Directive monitoring sites. It should be noted that, as the data set is in its raw state, it cannot be used to...

        River Water Quality Monitoring 1990 to 2018 - Suspended Solids

        This table provides the raw data from river monitoring sites including Water Framework Directive monitoring sites. It should be noted that, as the data set is in its raw state, it cannot be used to...

        River Water Quality Monitoring 1990 to 2018 - Suspended Solids

        This table provides the raw data from river monitoring sites including Water Framework Directive monitoring sites. It should be noted that, as the data set is in its raw state, it cannot be used to...

        River Water Quality Monitoring 1990 to 2018 - Suspended Solids

        This table provides the raw data from river monitoring sites including Water Framework Directive monitoring sites. It should be noted that, as the data set is in its raw state, it cannot be used to...

        River Water Quality Monitoring 1990 to 2018 - Suspended Solids

        This table provides the raw data from river monitoring sites including Water Framework Directive monitoring sites. It should be noted that, as the data set is in its raw state, it cannot be used to...

        River Water Quality Monitoring 1990 to 2018 - Suspended Solids

        This table provides the raw data from river monitoring sites including Water Framework Directive monitoring sites. It should be noted that, as the data set is in its raw state, it cannot be used to...

        River Water Quality Monitoring 1990 to 2018 - Suspended Solids

        This table provides the raw data from river monitoring sites including Water Framework Directive monitoring sites. It should be noted that, as the data set is in its raw state, it cannot be used to...

        River Water Quality Monitoring 1990 to 2018 - Suspended Solids

        This table provides the raw data from river monitoring sites including Water Framework Directive monitoring sites. It should be noted that, as the data set is in its raw state, it cannot be used to...

        Possible Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (pMPA) within the 12 Nautical Mile Territorial Sea limit around Scotland.

        Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are designated by Scottish Ministers under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010. These possible MPAs have been approved by Scottish Ministers for public...

        Possible Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (pMPA) within the 12 Nautical Mile Territorial Sea limit around Scotland.

        Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are designated by Scottish Ministers under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010. These possible MPAs have been approved by Scottish Ministers for public...

        Chemical potentials of liquid iron mixtures at ICB conditions and of solid ferropericlase at CMB conditions (NERC grant NE/M000990/1)

        This dataset contains VASP runs performed on several supercomputing services (ARCHER, Monsoon, Thomas and Grace in the UK; Eos in the USA) to calculate the chemical potentials of liquid iron...