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256 results found

Marine Pressures-Activities Database (PAD) v1.5

Coastal and marine ecosystems are subject to a number of human-induced pressures associated with a variety of marine activities. As such it is important to understand the links between human...

Pesticide Usage in Scotland: Soft Fruit Crops 2012

Pestcide usage data on Scottish soft fruit crops in 2012. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Planning Applications Database) (PAD)

Planning Applications Database - names and addresses, planning proposals and hard copy case files.

Official Development Assistance (ODA) Arms Length Bodies and Soft Power Programmes

These funds provide support to arms length bodies and to the following FCO-led soft power programmes. Wilton Park Chevening Scholarships International Leaders Westminister Foundation for...

2015 Natural England Langstone Harbour Intertidal Soft Sediment Surveys

Survey name: 2015 Natural England Langstone Harbour Intertidal Soft Sediment Surveys This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments. The survey...

Marine Pressures-Activities Database (PAD) v1.1

Note: a newer version of this database (v1.2, 2018) is available. Coastal and marine ecosystems are subject to a number of human-induced pressures associated with a variety of marine activities....

Phylogenetic data matrices used to assess the differences between hard and soft morphological characters (NERC grant NE/I020253/2)

Phylogenetic data matrices used to assess the differences between hard and soft morphological characters For more details see: Fossilization causes organisms to appear erroneously primitive by...

Video and photogrammetric data for soft coral communities offshore Thailand, Japan and Fiji

This dataset contains video (841 mp4) and photograph (8674 jpg) data of soft and hard coral communities from Thailand, Japan and Fiji. These data were collected in order to be used to construct 3d...

Pesticide Usage Report on Soft Fruit in the UK

Statistics on the use of pesticides in the United Kingdom The Food and Environment Research Agency is no longer a government agency. On 1st April 2015 Defra sold a majority share to Capita, this...

NICE Technology Appraisals in the NHS in England: Area Team & CCG Level for MedTech & DebriSoft

The Innovation Scorecard aims to improve transparency within the NHS of what treatments recommended by NICE are available within Trusts and CCGs and at National and Area Team level. It is intended...

NSTA - Quadrants

Locate quadrants and download PDF maps containing oil and gas activity data at different scales (quadrant, regional, and UKCS).

UKCS Renewables: Lease Agreements

The UKCS Lease Agreements app provides information about all energy leasing on the UK continental shelf. It shows offshore renewable lease agreed areas by The Crown Estate and Crown Estate...

Quantitative and qualitative data relating to the inhibition of a phosphatase reaction by microcystin on a paper-based analytical device (PAD)

[This dataset is embargoed until October 28, 2025]. This dataset contains information about the development of a paper analytical device for the detection of the microcystin toxin. Water samples...

Exploration and Appraisal Wells

This map shows recent (from 1st January 2018) exploration and appraisal wellbore summary results published by the NSTA. Summary well information can be published by the NSTA under UK Statutory...

NSTA - Undeveloped Discoveries Montages

Use this application to find data packages and montages for offshore unsanctioned discoveries. A discovery is any well where hydrocarbons were encountered but have not yet been developed into a...


The report includes The overall budget and funding Council tax level The medium term financial forecast The capital programme


The report includes The overall budget and funding Council tax level The medium term financial forecast The capital programme

UKCS Exploration Data Availability

Use this application to search for freely available numerous licence round and other geoscientific data packages (>400GB). The data was originally released for petroleum exploration; however, it...

UKCS Carbon Storage Licences (ED50)

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) refers to a number of techniques and processes which capture carbon dioxide emissions, generally from industrial processes. The carbon dioxide (CO2) can then be...

CS Licences WGS84

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) refers to a number of techniques and processes which capture carbon dioxide emissions, generally from industrial processes. The carbon dioxide (CO2) can then be...