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        Cairn Sites Dataset for Archaeological Viewshed Analysis Study of Glengorm Area on the Isle of Mull, Scotland

        This Cairn Sites dataset shows the location of cairns in the Glengorm area of the Isle of Mull. This is part of a study conducted in the 1980s and 1990s which examined prehistoric ritual monument...

        Cist Sites Dataset for Archaeological Viewshed Analysis Study of Glengorm Area on the Isle of Mull, Scotland

        This Cist Sites dataset shows the location of cist sites in the Glengorm area of the Isle of Mull. This is part of a study conducted in the 1980s and 1990s which examined prehistoric ritual...

        Soils Dataset for Archaeological Viewshed Analysis Study of Glengorm Area on the Isle of Mull, Scotland

        This Soils dataset provides soil type information for soils in the Glengorm area of the Isle of Mull. This is part of a study conducted in the 1980s and 1990s which examined prehistoric ritual...

        Coastline Dataset for Archaeological Viewshed Analysis Study of Glengorm Area on the Isle of Mull, Scotland

        This Coastline dataset delineates the coast in the Glengorm area of the Isle of Mull. This is part of a study conducted in the 1980s and 1990s which examined prehistoric ritual monument locations...

        Fort Sites Dataset for Archaeological Viewshed Analysis Study of Glengorm Area on the Isle of Mull, Scotland

        This Fort Sites dataset shows the location of forts in the Glengorm area of the Isle of Mull. This is part of a study conducted in the 1980s and 1990s which examined prehistoric ritual monument...

        River Dataset for Archaeological Viewshed Analysis Study of Glengorm Area on the Isle of Mull, Scotland

        This River dataset shows all rivers located in the Glengorm area of the Isle of Mull. This is part of a study conducted in the 1980s and 1990s which examined prehistoric ritual monument locations...

        Duns Sites Dataset for Archaeological Viewshed Analysis Study of Glengorm Area on the Isle of Mull, Scotland

        This Duns Sites dataset shows the location of duns sites in the Glengorm area of the Isle of Mull. This is part of a study conducted in the 1980s and 1990s which examined prehistoric ritual...

        Land Capability Dataset for Archaeological Viewshed Analysis Study of Glengorm Area on the Isle of Mull, Scotland

        This Land Capability dataset provides land capability of soils in the Glengorm area of the Isle of Mull. This is part of a study conducted in the 1980s and 1990s which examined prehistoric ritual...

        Stone Sites Dataset for Archaeological Viewshed Analysis Study of Glengorm Area on the Isle of Mull, Scotland

        This Stone Sites dataset shows the location of stone sites in the Glengorm area of the Isle of Mull. This is part of a study conducted in the 1980s and 1990s which examined prehistoric ritual...

        Third Order and Higher Rivers Dataset for Archaeological Viewshed Analysis Study of Glengorm Area on the Isle of Mull, Scotland

        This Third Order and Higher Rivers dataset shows all third order and higher rivers located in the Glengorm area of the Isle of Mull. This is part of a study conducted in the 1980s and 1990s which...

        Drainage Capacity of Soils Dataset for Archaeological Viewshed Analysis Study of Glengorm Area on the Isle of Mull, Scotland

        This Drainage Capacity of Soils dataset provides drainage capacity information for soils in the Glengorm area of the Isle of Mull. This is part of a study conducted in the 1980s and 1990s which...

        Inshore longline fisheries in the Southern North Sea 2019/20 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        This work was carried out as part of the Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) programme. The overall aims of this project were to examine i) the seasonal catch rates of fish taken in the southern...

        FISP Filling the Gap 2022-2024 WP2 Crustacean Observer Data

        Brown crab and European lobster size composition data was collected by researchers onboard commercial crustacean potting vessels across Wales. Core measurements taken include: string number, number...

        Diffusion Tube Data

        Diffusion tubes are small, relatively inexpensive air pollution (nitrogen dioxide) monitors.  They are small plastic tubes, open at one end with a gauze at the other end.  The gauze is...

        Kent and Essex IFCA whelk pot hole size pilot study 2012

        In response to a dramatic increase in the number of whelk pots being set in the district in 2011, KEIFCA introduced an emergency byelaw limiting the number of pots per vessel to 300. As part of the...

        Kent and Essex IFCA whelk pot hole size pilot study 2012

        In response to a dramatic increase in the number of whelk pots being set in the district in 2011, KEIFCA introduced an emergency byelaw limiting the number of pots per vessel to 300. As part of the...

        Foraging behaviour of Parus major held in temporary captivity

        The data set describes foraging decisions by great tits (Parus major), held in temporary captivity. Data were collected from birds caught from forest at the University of Jyväskylä Research...

        Risk of Flooding from Surface Water

        Risk of Flooding from Surface Water (RoFSW) map is an assessment of where surface water flooding may occur when rainwater does not drain away through the normal drainage systems or soak into the...

        Risk of Flooding from Surface Water - Climate Change 1

        Risk of Flooding from Surface Water (RoFSW) map is an assessment of where surface water flooding may occur when rainwater does not drain away through the normal drainage systems or soak into the...

        Late Eocene microspherule count and foraminifera multispecies oxygen and carbon stable isotope data from DSDP Site 94

        Twenty-six 10 cm3 samples from DSDP (Deep Sea Drilling Project) Site 94, Core 15, sections 3 and 4 were examined at 10 cm-intervals (417.84-415.01 meters below seafloor [mbsf]). The sedimentary...