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        67 results found

        North Sea Eliminator type gear trials 2009/10 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        To provide new information on comparative catch profiles of the "eliminator" trawl to those from a conventional trawl fitted with belly cod-escape panels. And to address industry concerns that...

        Trials with an Eliminator-type trawl in the North Sea saithe Fishery 2009/10 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        Data used to evaluate the effectiveness of an Eliminator-type trawl in the North Sea saithe fishery in September 2009.

        Area VII Haddock Discard Eliminations using Technical Measures 2014/15 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        Following experimental work carried out in 2013, a twin-rig trawler, the Ilfracombe-based *Our Olivia Belle *(BD 277), was chartered to undertake further trials of a modified demersal trawl in...

        Area VII Haddock Discard Eliminations using Technical Measures 2013/14 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        The twin rig trawler Ocean Spirit was chartered for twelve days in August and September 2013 to undertake fishing trials off southwest England. The aim of the work was to improve the selective...

        Equality and Diversity information for St Edmundsbury Borough Council

        St Edmundsbury is committed to taking effective action to eliminate discrimination and to advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations in all that it does as an employer, a service...

        Organogram for Government Offices

        A list of most Senior Civil Service posts in the Government Office Network. The Government Office Network has now closed. This data has been updated with a snapshot of the organisation on...

        Cooling Towers In Camden

        This dataset contains the register of cooling towers or evaporative condensers held by the London Borough of Camden; which is required under The Notification of Cooling Towers and Evaporative...

        PLA Local Nature Reserves

        A Local Nature Reserve (LNR) is designated for both people and wildlife. It offers people special opportunities to study or learn about nature or simply to enjoy it. LNRs are designated by the...

        CRB teaching applications - Devon and Cornwall

        FOI response: During the last three calendar years (2009, 2010, 2011), how many people with criminal records have applied for teaching jobs or jobs to work specifically in schools in Devon and...

        Allotment Locations

        An allotment garden, often called simply an allotment is a plot of land made available for individual, non-commercial gardening or growing food plants. Such plots are formed by subdividing a piece...

        Rough sleepers across England

        This data provides information across England on the number of rough sleepers in each local authority area and Region, identified either through a count or an estimate, from 2010 to 2017. The data...

        Estimated Effect of the Budget on Consumer Price Indices and Retail Prices Index

        The purpose of this article is to give the estimated effects on the Consumer Price Indices and Retail Prices Index resulting from duty and taxation changes announced in the Budget. This article...

        Estimated Effect of the Budget on Consumer Prices Index and Retail Prices Index

        The purpose of this article is to give the estimated effects on the Consumer Prices Index and Retail Prices Index resulting from duty and taxation changes announced in the Budget. This article is...

        Local Nature Reserves

        Local Nature Reserves (or LNRs) are for both people and wildlife. They are places with wildlife or geological features that are of special interest locally, which give people special opportunites...

        Library loans (books only)

        This dataset concerns loans of books made across libraries in Leeds since the 2000/01 financial year. Please note ----------- * The figures do not include loans of any of media items (for...

        Habitat point records from 1965-70 DAFS Scottish littoral sediment survey

        The study of a number of sandy beaches covering a range of environmental conditions revealed faunistic variation which reflected the different species' tolerance of or preference for the conditions...

        Species point records from 1965-70 DAFS Scottish littoral sediment survey

        The study of a number of sandy beaches covering a range of environmental conditions revealed faunistic variation which reflected the different species' tolerance of or preference for the conditions...

        Equality Impact Assessment for London Multiply Programme

        Multiply is a £559 million investment by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) to deliver bespoke adult numeracy programmes over the next three years (ending March 2025). The GLA has been allocated...

        Library loans (all media)

        This dataset concerns loans made across libraries in Leeds since the 2000/01 financial year. Please note ----------- * The 2000/01 and 2001/02 figures relate only to the number of books issued....

        Natural Heritage Futures

        Many countries around the world have begun to adopt zonation systems as a strategic framework to guide their approach to the conservation, enhancement, understanding and use of the natural...