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Office Furniture Specifications

Specifications and details of products by supplier that meet HMRC requirements. Updated: ad hoc.

DCLG DATA4NR: Sexual offences

Notifiable offences recorded by the police: Sexual offences, rate per 1000 population. Data4NR reference.

An overview of sexual offending in England and Wales

This is an Official Statistics bulletin produced by statisticians in the Ministry of Justice, Home Office and the Office for National Statistics. It brings together, for the first time, a range of...

An Overview of Sexual Offending in England and Wales

Statistics report/overview on sexual offending in England and Wales Source agency: Justice Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Sexual Health Services

Sexual health services in York. For further information please visit [City of York Council's website]( *Please note that the data...

Employees - gender and sexual orientation

Breakdown of Leicester City Council's employees (excluding schools and casual workers) providing headcount and full time equivalent by gender and sexual orientation.This information is provided on...

Census 2021 - Sexual orientation

The census is undertaken by the Office for National Statistics every 10 years and gives us a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. The most recent census took place in...

Specialist sexual health clinics

All practices with specialist sexual health GP's

Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Activity, England

Non-disclosive dataset of activity taking place in the community at dedicated Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services, including activity at non NHS service providers where available. SRH...

Contraception and Sexual Health

Contains statistics regarding contraceptive use among women aged under 50; women ‘at risk’ of pregnancy; sterilisations and vasectomies; sexual behaviour and condom use; and knowledge of sexually...

Deployment Specific Forward Inventory Information System

Presentation tools – and associated data sets - that advise how many of which piece parts are expected to be needed for specific deployments of Maritime units on Operations and Exercises.

NI 026 - Specialist support to victims of a serious sexual offence

The proportion of victims of a serious sexual offence (who report the offence to the police) that receive support from a specialist sexual violence and abuse service. The relevant offences are:...

Camden And Islington Sexual Health Profile

This public health intelligence profile describes the trends and patterns in the sexual health of young people in both Camden and Islington.

Platform Specific Consolidated Allowance List Information System

Presentation tools – and associated data sets - that inform decisions about how many of which piece parts should be held onboard each ship and submarine to meet expected demand for them.

Scotland's Sexual Health Information

This report is produced by the Sexually Transmitted Infections Epidemiology Advisory Group (STIEAG), for Scotland. Due to the transition from one data collection system to another for (STIs), ISD...

Alcohol-specific hospital admissions (CCGOIS 3.14)

Directly age and sex standardised admission rate for alcohol-specific conditions per 100,000 registered patients, 95% confidence intervals. Current version updated: Sep-17 Next version due: Dec-17

WFD Cycle 2 Specific Pollutants Classification

This dataset is a subset of the "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" product and contains classification data for the sub element Specific Pollutants (abbreviated to SP) as used in the...

Site Specific Policies

Boundary of Site Specific Policies within North Ayrshire as set out in the Local Development Plan

JSNA Camden Sexual Health - January 2020

This public health factsheet describes facts, assets, and strategies related to sexual health in Camden.

Emergency alcohol-specific readmission to any hospital within 30 days of discharge following an alcohol-specific admission (CCGOIS 3.15)

Indirectly age and sex standardised ratio of emergency readmissions with a primary diagnosis or an external cause code of an alcohol-specific condition within 30 days of a previous discharge...