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Air quality Data selector for following pollutants: Ozone, Nitric oxides, Nitrogen dioxide, Sulphur dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, PM10 components , PM2.5 components, ethane, ethane, ethyne, propane,...
Emissions data selector covering: 13 - butadiene, 16PAH, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Ammonia, Anthracene, Benz[a]anthracene, Benzene, Benzo[b]flouranthene, Black smoke, Carbon...
Datasets showing nitrogen dioxide levels (NO2) at various locations around Leeds. Please note ----------- From 17/02/17 this dataset will be archived and superseeded by the ratified air quality...
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) collect Carbon (CO2) Emissions figures nationally with a 2 year time delay. These figures are published on an annual basis at Local...