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421 results found

BIS Senior Officials travel: Quarterly Return

This report shows international travel undertaken by BIS Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through the department’s central booking system. This...

WFD RBMP2 Economic analysis 2015_Scenario 5_v1.7

The impact assessment (IA) for the updated river basin management plans was built from multiple data sources and is based on many assumptions. The Scenario 5 dataset is based on programmes of...

Water use by industry in England and Wales, 2006/07

Approximately half the 12.7 billion cubic metres of water abstracted in 2006-07 in England and Wales was for public water supply, with the remainder largely accounted for in cooling uses by the...

Mineral-microbe interaction role in concentration and fractionation of rare earth elements (MM-FREE) (NERC Grant NE/L002361/1)

The data are related to the NERC's Security of Supply of Mineral Resources Catalyst Grant NE/L002361/1: MM-FREE - Mineral-Microbe interaction role in concentration and Fractionation of Rare Earth...

Newcastle Libraries Internet filtering

Newcastle Libraries provide citizens with access to the Internet. On public computers Internet is filtered which means access to some websites is blocked - either because of legal requirements,...

Section 106 sites

Planning obligations under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), commonly known as s106 agreements, are a mechanism which make a development proposal acceptable in...

Isotope compositions in a natural gas seep, French Alps

The Fontaine Ardente (FA) and Rochasson (ROC) natural gas seepage sites are located southwest (FA) and east (ROC) of Grenoble, France. For both field sites, gas is thought to originate from buried...

Indicative atlas of radon potential for Great Britain version 3

Radon is a natural radioactive gas, which enters buildings from the ground. The joint UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) (formerly Public Health England (PHE) ) - British Geological Survey (BGS)...

Alternative Vote referendum results, Borough

The alternative vote (AV) referendum was a public vote held across the United Kingdom on 5 May 2011 in which the electorate voted on a proposal to introduce a new voting system. The question posed...

UKTI senior officials travel

This report shows international travel by UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) senior officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through the department’s central...

Contracts July 2022

Details of contracts, commissioned activity, purchase order and framework agreement with a value that exceeds £5,000.Data has been excluded or redacted from the publication in line with guidance...

NI 156 - Number of households living in temporary accommodation

This indicator measures the numbers of households living in temporary accommodation. Temporary accommodation under homelessness provisions - The duty owed to a household accepted by a local housing...

Kinetics of enhanced cementation reactions for CO2 leakage remediation and fault healing processes

This dataset presents the amount of different magnesium carbonates under different conditions. Here, using batch reactor experiments and mineralogical characterization, we explored magnesite...

MOD: senior officials' domestic and international travel and expenses

Data on senior officials' domestic and international travel and expenses. This report shows domestic and international travel and expenses undertaken by MOD senior officials. The report includes...

Invitation to tender for contracts December 2020

Invitations to tender are used in a competitive tendering process in which suppliers or contractors are able to participate in a procurement process for the supply of specific and clearly defined...

Invitation to tender for contracts June 2019

Invitations to tender are used in a competitive tendering process in which suppliers or contractors are able to participate in a procurement process for the supply of specific and clearly defined...

Invitation to tender for contracts March 2016

Invitations to tender are used in a competitive tendering process in which suppliers or contractors are able to participate in a procurement process for the supply of specific and clearly defined...

Invitation to tender for contracts September 2016

Invitations to tender are used in a competitive tendering process in which suppliers or contractors are able to participate in a procurement process for the supply of specific and clearly defined...

Invitation to tender for contracts September 2015

Invitations to tender are used in a competitive tendering process in which suppliers or contractors are able to participate in a procurement process for the supply of specific and clearly defined...

Invitation to tender for contracts September 2018

Invitations to tender are used in a competitive tendering process in which suppliers or contractors are able to participate in a procurement process for the supply of specific and clearly defined...