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431 results found

Secondary Schools

Dataset showing Secondary Schools located with the Councils administrative area. Individual Secondary Schools are recorded as points. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

Secondary Schools

Secondary Schools within the Bath and North East Somerset Local Authority Area.

Secondary Schools

Location of Secondary Schools within North Ayrshire, both non-denominational and Roman Catholic

Secondary Shopping Frontage

Secondary Shopping Frontage - part of Local Development Framework (LDF) evidence base

KMBC Secondary Schools

Location of Secondary Schools/Academies within the Knowsley Borough Council Boundaries

Secondary Shopping Frontages

Secondary Shopping Frontages as part of the Local Plan for North Hertfordshire District Council adopted in November 2022.

Secondary School Catchments

Catchment areas for secondary schools in York. For further information about secondary school catchment areas please visit the [City of York Council...

Secondary School Preferences

This data set shows the number of preferences, for admission to secondary school in September, each school received during the annual cycle school admissions process.

Secondary School Catchment Areas

Secondary school cathment areas in Luton.

Secondary Shopping Frontage

This dataset consists of the boundaries of all identified secondary shopping frontages within the London Borough of Sutton, including those within Sutton Town Centre and each of the district...

Thurrock Secondary Schools

This dataset shows the locations of Secondary Schools in Thurrock. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE

Secondary School Catchment Areas

Catchment areas for secondary schools in Gateshead Council.

Hackney Secondary Schools

Secondary Schools in Hackney. Information downloaded initially from Edubase, geocoded using coordinates from Hackney Code Point (OS). As the schools were slightly offset, these were amended...

Secondary School Attendance

Secondary school attendance based on sessions attended for pupils living in the LSOA for the academic year. A session is a half day at school. As a result of school closures due to the Covid-19...

Fife Secondary School Catchment Areas

The non-denominational secondary school catchment areas dataset shows all areas of land in Fife, displayed within irregularly shaped boundaries, each of which is associated with one...

ADM Centres Secondary Frontages

Lines denoting the Secondary Frontages identified within Town/District/Local Centre Boundary Policies in the Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document (ADM DPD)


Secondary School Catchments - Gateshead - Phase2

Secondary Shopping Frontage - ECON15

Wychavon District Council Secondary Shopping Frontage -ECON15

Secondary Schools' Location

Secondary Schools' Location in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master copy of the data will be...

Secondary School Delineated Areas - Angus

Gives catchment/delineated areas for secondary schools in Angus