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314 results found

Community trigger indicator for anti-social behaviour

A dataset providing a breakdown of the key performance indicators for anti-social behaviour (ASB) case reviews. Community triggers are special cases where repeated anti-social behaviour...

Armed Forces Compensation Scheme Trigger Database

Feeds compensation data to the payment enabling system

Border Notifications

The Border Notifications (BN) dashboard is primarily an IT tool designed to exchange information between the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Port Health Authorities (PHAs) in England and Wales on...

Monsoon-triggered landslide point data for central-eastern Nepal (NERC grant NE/L002582/1)

This file contains the point data and areas (in m) of 12,838 monsoon-triggered landslides that occurred during distinct monsoon seasons between 1988 and 2018 across a 45,000 km2 region of...

The areas and volumes of 12,920 Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) triggered landslides in Nepal. (NERC Grant NE/L002582/1)

Text file containing the areas (of combined scar, deposition and runnout zones, and estimated scar zones alone) and volumes (for both total and scar areas) of 12,920 Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) that...

Polygon inventory of 12,920 Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) Triggered landslides in Nepal (NERC Grant NE/L002582/1)

This is a polygon .shp file of 12,920 Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) - triggered landslides that occurred across central-eastern Nepal in the period 1988 - 2018. This inventory includes the landslide...

Polygon inventory of 12,838 Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) Triggered landslides in Nepal (NERC Grant NE/L002582/1)

This is a polygon .shp file of 12,838 Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) - triggered landslides that occurred across a ~45,000 km2 region of central-eastern Nepal in the period 1988 - 2018. This inventory...

Raw data from synchrotron X-ray diffraction, MHz acoustic velocity and Inelastic Neutron Scattering measurements of CaSiO3-CaTiO3 perovskite minerals at mantle conditions

Experimental data originating from the NERC IRF project entitled "Calcium perovskite: the forgotten mantle phase". Data consists of: - large volume press synchrotron XRD ± ultrasonic velocity...

Attribute point inventory of 12,838 Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) Triggered landslides in Nepal (NERC Grant NE/L002582/1)

This is a point (.txt) file of 12,838 Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) - triggered landslides that occurred across central-eastern Nepal in the period 1988 - 2018. This inventory includes the landslide...

Pupil attainment at GCE/VCE A/AS by gender in England (referenced by location of educational institution)

Achievements of young people in GCE/VCE A/AS examinations. The dataset includes the average GCE/VCE A/AS point score per student and the average GCE/VCE A/AS point score per entry. For the same set...

Invertebrate Site Register (England)

Dataset of information on the site-based occurrence of scarcer British and strongly habitat-associated terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates. It has gathered data from a wide variety of often...

Species point records from 1988 MNCR Eigg survey

Five sites were investigated during this small opportunistic survey. All sites were within the confines of the Bay of Laig on the north-west coast of Eigg. In all cases the seabed was composed of a...

Habitat point records from 1988 MNCR Eigg survey

Five sites were investigated during this small opportunistic survey. All sites were within the confines of the Bay of Laig on the north-west coast of Eigg. In all cases the seabed was composed of a...

Pupil attainment at GCE/VCE A/AS by gender in England (referenced by location of pupil residence)

Achievements of young people in GCE/VCE A/AS examinations. The dataset includes the average GCE/VCE A/AS point score per student and the average GCE/VCE A/AS point score per entry. For the same set...

Seething Airfield consultation zone

Shows the extents of a consultation zone designed to trigger appropriate consultations for development over a specific size. Within a 1.5km radius of the airfield – every application for...

UK Biodiversity Indicator B5a, Air pollution

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator B5a, Air pollution. The air pollutants - sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and ammonia - can contribute to acidification, and...

Climate History Controls Future Landslide Hazard (NERC grant NE/J009067/1)

Supplementary material and link to published paper - Colluvium Supply in Humid Regions limits the Frequency of storm-triggered Landslides. DOI:10.1038/srep34438 Colluvium depth observations...

Greater Cambridge ANPR Data: Trip Chain Reports

This dataset provides Trip Chain Reports derived from the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera traffic survey undertaken across the Cambridge area from 10th to 17th June 2017. The aim...

Broadscale habitat (EUNIS level 3) for East of Haig Fras recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ)

Updated habitat map resulting from an integrated analysis of the 2012 (CEND 3/12a) and 2013 (CEND 5/13) dedicated survey data for East of Haig Fras recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ). It...

London NHS Major Trauma data for April and May 2010

The London Trauma Office has released a mid-year report to show the activity associated with the Major Trauma Centres (MTC) in London. The information reported at either London or MTC...