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        475 results found

        Email service

        Email service

        Email Traffic

        Total number of emails sent and received across the FSA PSN network per month.

        NICS Email Traffic

        Monthly summary of emails sent and received by NICS network

        Email license application database

        email addresses of traders



        Email Refund Certificate Applications database

        Holds email addresses of traders

        Shared Services E-Mail System

        SSC E-Mail System containing contact details of staff.

        Safeguarded Wharf

        Safeguarded Wharf polygon layer records the safeguarding area for Walbrook Wharf. This policy area is relevant to City paln 2036 Strategic Policy S16: Circular Economy and Waste and Local Plan 2015...

        Mineral Safeguarding

        Mineral Safeguarding information within Rutland

        Safeguarded Land

        Dataset shows safeguarded land within South Ribble

        Mineral Safeguarding Area

        Mineral Safeguarding Areas as defined in the Site Specific Policies Local Plan Adopted 12 September 2012. It is important to protect essential mineral infrastructure and safeguard mineral resources...

        Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) e-mail

        MAIB Inspectors have access to an e-mail system that is separate from, but which complements their ETHOS accounts. This allows them to access their e-mail in the field, and has fewer restrictions...

        Mineral Safeguarding Area

        Areas of minerals subject to safeguarding through the Minerals Strategy. This strategy has not yet been adopted. The mineral safeguarding area is also defined as a mineral consultation area

        Safeguarded Land

        Safeguarded Land as part of the Local Plan for North Hertfordshire District Council adopted in November 2022.

        Minerals Safeguarding Area

        Minerals Safeguarding Areas (MSAs) provide for the safeguarding of proven mineral resources which are, or may become, of economic importance from unnecessary sterilisation by non-mineral...

        Rail Safeguarding Area

        Rail Safeguarding Area

        Phase 2 – Safeguarding

        Phase Two safeguarding GIS data

        Mineral Safeguarding Zones

        Mineral safeguarding zones in Milton Keynes

        Statutory Safeguarding Zone

        Dataset shows statutory safeguarding zone around nuclear power station

        Aerodrome safeguard developments

        Locations in Stockport where developments must conform with aerodrome safeguarding