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23 results found

Species point records from 1986 BMNH Shakespeare & Abbot's Cliffs (Kent) littoral fauna survey

Description of 3 littoral rocky areas is given with details of main communities and species lists of the animals. Assessment is made of the richness of each site in the light of spoil dumping from...

Habitat point records from 1986 BMNH Shakespeare & Abbot's Cliffs (Kent) littoral fauna survey

Description of 3 littoral rocky areas is given with details of main communities and species lists of the animals. Assessment is made of the richness of each site in the light of spoil dumping from...

Species point records from 1987 Heriot-Watt University Loch Moidart littoral survey

A survey of the intertidal area of SSSI at Loch Moidart, Ardnamurchan, for NCC Scotland, particularly the area likely to be affected by a proposed mussel farm development. The notification of this...

Habitat point records from 1987 Heriot-Watt University Loch Moidart littoral survey

A survey of the intertidal area of SSSI at Loch Moidart, Ardnamurchan, for NCC Scotland, particularly the area likely to be affected by a proposed mussel farm development. The notification of this...

Species point records from 1978-79 SWBSS Lundy sublittoral survey

This report describes the results of surveys carried out around Lundy in 1978 and 1979. 50 sites were surveyed off the 13 km of coastline. Data collected in some surveys previous to 1978 have also...

Habitat point records from 1978-79 SWBSS Lundy sublittoral survey

This report describes the results of surveys carried out around Lundy in 1978 and 1979. 50 sites were surveyed off the 13 km of coastline. Data collected in some surveys previous to 1978 have also...

Species point records from 1983 Smith Isles of Scilly littoral fauna survey

This report covers work done under contract to the NCC which was part only of a larger survey of the Isles of Scilly and is therefore far from comprehensive. The remit was limited to descriptions...

Habitat point records from 1983 Smith Isles of Scilly littoral fauna survey

This report covers work done under contract to the NCC which was part only of a larger survey of the Isles of Scilly and is therefore far from comprehensive. The remit was limited to descriptions...

Species point records from 1977 SWBSS Padstow sublittoral survey

The survey was planned in order to describe the range of sublittoral habitats and populations in the region of Padstow, to provide information for Underwater Conservation Year projects, and to give...

Habitat point records from 1977 SWBSS Padstow sublittoral survey

The survey was planned in order to describe the range of sublittoral habitats and populations in the region of Padstow, to provide information for Underwater Conservation Year projects, and to give...

National Pupil Database

Interested parties can now request extracts of data from the NPD using an improved application process accessed through the following website; GOV.UK The first version of the NPD, including...

Species point records from 1983 Smith Mull littoral survey

31 sites were surveyed on Mull. Further work is recommended, as Mull is a large area. The authors admit that algae, sponges, smaller crustacean and bryozoa in particular were under-recorded, with...

Habitat point records from 1983 Smith Mull littoral survey

31 sites were surveyed on Mull. Further work is recommended, as Mull is a large area. The authors admit that algae, sponges, smaller crustacean and bryozoa in particular were under-recorded, with...

The Wealth Gap In London

This GLA Intelligence Update takes a brief look at evidence around the wealth gap in London and examines how this has changed in recent years. Key Findings • There is a significant gap between...

Species point records from 1984 OPRU Isles of Scilly monitoring

The Isles of Scilly are one of 7 locations identified in Great Britain as proposed statutory marine nature reserves. In order to provide information to assist in management of these areas,...

Habitat point records from 1984 OPRU Isles of Scilly monitoring

The Isles of Scilly are one of 7 locations identified in Great Britain as proposed statutory marine nature reserves. In order to provide information to assist in management of these areas,...

Species point records from 1983 Collins Selsey Bill to East Solent sublittoral survey

This report contains the results of 15 days diving (May-September 1983) between the East Solent and Selsey Bill. Observations from previous years are also included. The underwater geology of this...

Species point records from 1981 James south Cornwall sublittoral survey

The principal aim of this survey was to record community and habitat information from the rocky sublittoral along the coast of Cornwall from Land's End to Nare Head (10 km north-east of Falmouth)....

Habitat point records from 1983 Collins Selsey Bill to East Solent sublittoral survey

This report contains the results of 15 days diving (May-September 1983) between the East Solent and Selsey Bill. Observations from previous years are also included. The underwater geology of this...

Habitat point records from 1981 James south Cornwall sublittoral survey

The principal aim of this survey was to record community and habitat information from the rocky sublittoral along the coast of Cornwall from Land's End to Nare Head (10 km north-east of Falmouth)....