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306 results found

Traditional Orchards HAP (England)

This spatial dataset describes the geographic extent and location of the UK Biodiversity Action Plan traditional orchard priority habitat in England. The data is provided as "provisional" because...

Traditional Orchards

This is a spatial dataset contain the location of Traditional Orchards sites around Wales. Traditional orchards are listed as a UK BAP priority habitats, which are those habitats that were...

Habitat Networks (England) - Traditional Orchards

This is the record for Traditional Orchards which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below). The habitat network maps seek to apply the best evidence and...

NYMNPA Roadside Verges - Species Rich

Species rich roadside verges within the North York Moors National Park. Compiled from various surveys from 1985 onwards. Captured as a polylines and polygons.


Boundaries for the three traditional countries which make up Great Britain, namely England, Scotland, and Wales.

Estimated species richness data used in study of UK Ecological status

Estimated species richness data for valuation of biodiversity across the UK, based on species occurrence records for 11 taxonomic groups (Bees, Birds, Bryophytes, Butterflies, Carabidae,...

River Wye catchment (Wales) species rich grassland creation opportunity maps

A detailed GIS analysis of land use, Phase 1 habitats, National Vegetation Classification (NVC) community data, soils and designated sites for the River Wye catchment within the NRW...

Grow With Wyre Woodland Improvement Grant Project Area

The dataset boundary allowed targeting of English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Improvement Grant (WIG) within the scheme area in the West Midlands Region as part of the 2008 - 2011 EWGS...

Species richness and recording priority derived from species distribution models for Lepidoptera in Great Britain

This dataset includes a set of modelled outputs produced as part of the DECIDE project. Three groups were modelled; butterflies, day-flying moths and night-flying moths. (For the moths, we only...

OS Features API

Direct access to the most detailed geographic data for your analysis. Take full advantage of rich geometries and attributes to generate new insight. Benefit from current, detailed and accurate...

Wild bee abundance and species richness, survey data from Leighfield Forest, Leicestershire and Rutland, 2020

This dataset contains records on the abundance and species richness of wild bees along transects in ten 1x1 km survey squares of the Leighfield forest region of Leicestershire and Rutland, UK...

Nutritive and mineral content of hay from three species-rich floodplain meadows, England, 2020-21

Dataset includes concentration of crude protein, fibre (ADF and NDF), metabolisable energy (ME) and a range of dietary minerals from three species-rich floodplain meadows in Central England....

Geochemical results from upper Ediacaran organic-rich shales / mudstones, Yangtze Craton, South China

These data comprise geochemical results from upper Ediacaran organic-rich shales / mudstones from the Yangtze Craton (South China) from the Doushantuo Formation (member IV) and overlying lower...

shinylight, a light-weight R package to create rich web applications (NERC Grant NE/T001518/1)

The code base for IsoplotR’s graphical user interface (GUI) and its core data processing algorithms are surgically separated from each other. The command-line functionality is grouped in a...

Species point records from 1991 MNCR Ravenglass, Duddon & Ribble estuaries littoral survey

The Ribble, Duddon and Ravenglass estuary systems drain into the eastern basin of the Irish Sea. These estuaries have general west to east orientation which gives rise to a marked gradient of...

Habitat point records from 1991 MNCR Ravenglass, Duddon & Ribble estuaries littoral survey

The Ribble, Duddon and Ravenglass estuary systems drain into the eastern basin of the Irish Sea. These estuaries have general west to east orientation which gives rise to a marked gradient of...

Insect species richness for each plant species and insect-plant interactions from the Database of Insects and their Food Plants [DBIF]

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. This dataset consists of 4,397 insect species associated with 679 native plant species, 120 archaeophytes, and 223 neophytes from the Database of Insects and...

Species point records from 1995 OPRU Milford Haven littoral rock monitoring

Thirty one transect sites were chosen on rocky shores in Milford Haven. Each transect had up to twenty one stations (mostly around twelve stations). The stations are at 60 cm height intervals down...

Habitat point records from 1995 OPRU Milford Haven littoral rock monitoring

Thirty one transect sites were chosen on rocky shores in Milford Haven. Each transect had up to twenty one stations (mostly around twelve stations). The stations are at 60 cm height intervals down...

Plot-level forest structure, carbon density and tree species richness data from restoration sites in South and Southeast Asia

This dataset consists of structure, biomass (carbon density) and biodiversity (plant species richness) from forest inventory plots at forest restoration sites in South and Southeast Asia and the...