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        54 results found

        Gillnet retrieval survey 2006/07 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        Gillnet retrieval survey carried out on fishing grounds to the south-west of Ireland, from 4th to 24th July 2006, using the commercial trawler FV Regina Ponti, to examine the quantity and mesh...

        Paper file retrievals from HMRC Document Storage Repositories

        Total volumes of all paper files requested from HMRC Document Storage Repositories. Updated: daily required for monthly update.

        NCEO atmospheric profiles retrieved from the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) instrument onboard ESA's Envisat satellite

        This dataset contains atmospheric profiles from the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) on Envisat, processed with the Oxford L2 retrieval algorithm MORSE. This...

        NCEO atmospheric profiles retrieved from the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) instrument onboard ESA's Envisat satellite

        This dataset contains atmospheric profiles from the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) on Envisat, processed with the Oxford L2 retrieval algorithm MORSE. This...

        Global Cloud and Aerosol Dataset Produced by the Global Retrieval of ATSR Cloud Parameters and Evaluation (GRAPE) Project as part of the Clouds, Water Vapour and Climate (CWVC) Programme

        The aim of the GRAPE project was to produce a global cloud and aerosol dataset using a state-of-the-art physical retrieval of the entire duration of the Along Track Scanning Radiometer 2 (ATSR-2)...

        Global Cloud and Aerosol Dataset Produced by the Global Retrieval of ATSR Cloud Parameters and Evaluation (GRAPE) Project as part of the Clouds, Water Vapour and Climate (CWVC) Programme

        The aim of the GRAPE project was to produce a global cloud and aerosol dataset using a state-of-the-art physical retrieval of the entire duration of the Along Track Scanning Radiometer 2 (ATSR-2)...

        Archiving Spreadsheets CM, SD/SH, WS

        Excel spreadsheets used for the purpose of archiving and retrieving Court Martial, Summary Dealings/Hearing and Warnings/Sanctions case files.


        Information Management Processing and Retrieval System. Contains file prefixes and numbering, file titles, file locations, file history, name and location of file holder

        Waste Collection Lookup

        Link to CYC's online application to find out refuse and recycling collections dates by postcode. Also includes the public API and API documentation for retrieving collection data by UPRN.

        Epidemiology & Medical Statistics Unit (EMSU) National Proficiency Testing Council (NPTC)

        Used for inputting, retention, retrieval and analysis of medical data collection on workers exposed to pesticides. Number of records in dataset – 85,900. Contains sensitive medical in confidence...

        Prospective Investigation of Pesticide Application Health (PIPAH)

        Used for inputting, retention, retrieval and analysis of medical and other data collected on workers exposed to pesticides. Number of records in dataset – 3000. Contains sensitive medical in...

        Control of Lead at Work (CLAWD)

        Used for the inputting, retention, retrieval and analysis of medical data collected by HSE Appointed Doctors on workers exposed to lead. Number of records in dataset – 19,375. Contains sensitive,...

        Consular Management Information

        FCO Consular Management Information (MI) Data from various sources (including Compass, BRIDGE, and the Online Monthly Collection Sheet (OMCS) returns). It is used to allow Consular to retrieve...

        BGS World Mineral Statistics service (WMS)

        This web service shows the centroids for countries for which there are minerals statistics data (Imports, Exports, Production) in the World Mineral Statistics database. A GetFeatureInfo request can...

        Park and Ride

        Car parks with connections to public transport that allow commuters and other people headed to city centres to leave their vehicles and transfer to a bus, rail system, or carpool for the remainder...


        Hosted by Iron Mountain: eSearch - manages the physical records (circa 3.7 million) hosted by Iron Mountain . Utilised to locate, retrieve and track all DECC's physical assets. Utilised to manage...

        Information Management Physical Records System (IMPReS)

        Hosted by Iron Mountain: ICMS manages the physical records (circa 3.7 million) held by Iron Mountain on behalf of DECC. Purpose: Utilised to locate, retrieve and track all DECC's physical assets,...

        UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP)- strandings around the UK coast (1990-present)

        The collaborative UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP) has been running since 1990 and is funded by Defra and the Devolved Administrations. It coordinates the investigation of all...

        UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP)- strandings around the UK coast (1990-present)

        The collaborative UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP) has been running since 1990 and is funded by Defra and the Devolved Administrations. It coordinates the investigation of all...

        UK Earthquake Seismogram Data.

        Recordings of earthquakes and other signals (such as quarry blasts, explosions, sonic booms and collapses) made by a network of seismometers and similar sensors across the UK. Recordings start in...