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        569 results found

        Seawilding Native Oyster Restoration Native Oyster Restoration 2022 Project Update

        2022 annual research report of native oyster (Ostrea edulis) restoration in Loch Craignish, Argyll, Scotland by Seawilding.

        Seawilding Native Oyster Restoration Native Oyster Restoration 2022 Project Update

        2022 annual research report of native oyster (Ostrea edulis) restoration in Loch Craignish, Argyll, Scotland by Seawilding.

        Peatland ACTION Completed restoration footprints

        Completed restoration projects footprint in PeatlandAction refers to the geographic extent of peatland restoration projects that have been completed. These footprints are represented as polygons on...

        Priority Habitat Creation and Restoration

        This record is for Approval for Access product AfA319. The Priority Habitat Creation and Restoration GIS dataset lists projects undertaken by the Environment Agency to create new priority habitats...

        Peatland ACTION Completed restoration project site centroids

        Completed restoration projects centroids in PeatlandAction refers to the geographic centroid of peatland restoration projects that have been completed. These footprints are represented as polygons...

        Seawilding Seagrass Restoration 2021 Project Update

        2022 annual research report of seagrass restoration in Loch Craignish, Argyll, Scotland by Seawilding.

        Seawilding Seagrass Restoration 2022 Project Update

        2022 annual research report of seagrass restoration in Loch Craignish, Argyll, Scotland by Seawilding.

        Seawilding Seagrass Restoration 2022 Project Update

        2022 annual research report of seagrass restoration in Loch Craignish, Argyll, Scotland by Seawilding.

        Seawilding Seagrass Restoration 2021 Project Update

        2022 annual research report of seagrass restoration in Loch Craignish, Argyll, Scotland by Seawilding.

        Large Woody Debris Restoration Field Experiment Dataset

        Riverine species and environmental data relating to Thompson et al. (2017) Large woody debris ‘rewilding’ rapidly restores biodiversity in riverine food webs. Journal of Applied Ecology. The...

        Large Woody Debris Restoration Field Experiment Dataset

        Riverine species and environmental data relating to Thompson et al. (2017) Large woody debris ‘rewilding’ rapidly restores biodiversity in riverine food webs. Journal of Applied Ecology. The...

        HabMoS - Mountain Woodland - Restoration Projects

        Polygon dataset providing boundaries of mountain woodland restoration sites. NatureScot has commissioned a new dataset of mountain woodland locations across Scotland; to be used to inform landscape...

        Summary of Claims for the first half of 2016

        This is a Housing Benefit dataset for all new claims and change of circumstances received by the London Borough of Barnet in the first half of 2016.

        Summary of Claims for the Second Half of 2015

        This is a Housing Benefit dataset for all new claims and change of circumstances received by the London Borough of Barnet in the second half of 2015.

        Summary of Claims for the First Half of 2015

        This is a Housing Benefit dataset for all new claims and change of circumstances received by the London Borough of Barnet in the first half of 2015.

        A database of radionuclide biological half-life values for wildlife

        Data comprise biological and ecological half-life values for marine, freshwater, terrestrial and riparian organisms. The database includes 1908 biological half-life values for 52 elements across a...

        Energy consumption for selected Bristol buildings from smart meters by half hour

        Energy consumption, Gas and Electricity, for selected Bristol buildings from smart meters by half hour.

        Insect and plant data from calcareous grassland restoration sites in southern England, 2021

        [This dataset is embargoed until August 1, 2025]. The dataset contains monitoring data for plants (surveyed using quadrats), sward insects (surveyed using suction samplers), insect pollinators...

        Restoring marine and coastal habitats in Wales: identifying spatial opportunities and benefits

        In order to better understand opportunities to build resilience in the Welsh marine environment, a report was commissioned by Natural Resources Wales to identify potential spatial opportunities to...

        Radionuclide biological half-lives for farm animals

        [This dataset is embargoed until September 6, 2021]. Data comprise a compilation of quality-controlled biological half-life values (and associated information) from a literature review for animals...