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1,729 results found

NI 128 - User reported measure of respect and dignity in their treatment

User reported measure of respect and dignity in their treatment

NI 128 User reported measure of respect and dignity in their treatment

User reported measure of respect and dignity in their treatment Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographic coverage: England Time coverage: 2009-2010

North Lincolnshire Council Housing Allocation - Proposed Housing

North Lincolnshire Council Housing Allocation - Proposed Housing from the Housing and Employment DPD represented as polygons.

North Lincolnshire Council Housing Allocation - Committed Housing

North Lincolnshire Council Housing Allocation - Committed Housing represented as polygons Committed Housing digitised with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

North Lincolnshire Council Housing Allocation - Committed Housing

North Lincolnshire Council Housing Allocation - Committed Housing represented as polygons.

North Lincolnshire Council Housing Allocation - Proposed Housing

North Lincolnshire Council Housing Allocation - Proposed Housing represented as polygons.

North Lincolnshire Council Housing Allocation - Committed Housing

North Lincolnshire Council Housing Allocation - Committed Housing represented as polygons.

North Lincolnshire Council Housing Allocation - Proposed Housing

North Lincolnshire Council Housing Allocation - Proposed Housing represented as polygons.

Housing - Number on housing register

The number of households on the Council's Housing Register

Housing affordability

This data sets out the percentage of residents of the Cambridge housing sub-region who are unable to afford housing, based on contemporary income data and housing costs, broken down into percentage...


shows the boundaries and location of lambeth housing sites

Housing affordability (house prices to earnings ratio)

Housing affordability (house prices to earnings ratio) *This indicator has been discontinued

House Prices

Average monthly House Prices (£) for Lincolnshire and Districts. The data shows prices for the following House types: All Houses, Detached, Semi-detached, Terraced, and Flat/maisonette. House...

Housing affordability (median house prices to earnings ratio)

Housing affordability (median house prices to earnings ratio)

English Housing Survey Profile of English Housing Report

Detailed findings from the English Housing Survey on the type and condition of housing in England. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language:...

% of panel disagree the council treated them fairly and with respect in the last 12 months

% of panel disagree the council treated them fairly and with respect in the last 12 months

% of panel agree the council treated them fairly and with respect in the last 12 months

% of panel agree the council treated them fairly and with respect in the last 12 months

Housing Benefit

Housing benefit claimants by local authority. Housing Benefit can be claimed by a person if they are liable to pay rent and if they are on a low income.

Housing Affordability Summary

The Housing Affordability Summary provides a broad overview of the availability and affordability of privately owned and social housing and also looks at the affordability of private rented...

Housing Statistics, England

Compendium of housing statistics covering all aspects of housing in England. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...