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        Water Resource Availability

        The Water Resource Availability data is based on a nationally consistent method and provides a national picture of Water Resource Availability for each Water Framework Directive Cycle 2 water...

        Family Resources Survey

        Description of the technical aspects of the Family Resources Survey including the background and history of the survey, the sample design, changes to questionnaire items since the previous year,...

        Aquifer Designation Dataset for Wales

        Joint BGS/Natural Resources Wales (NRW) dataset of aquifer designations for Wales at 1:50 000. The dataset identifies different types of aquifer - underground layers of water-bearing permeable rock...

        Family Resources Survey

        The Family Resources Survey collects information on the incomes and circumstances of private households in the UK (or Great Britain before 2002/03). Source agency: Work and Pensions Designation:...

        Family Resources Survey Reports (Northern Ireland)

        Information collected from the Family Resources Survey. Source agency: Social Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Family...

        Cairngorms National Park Designated Boundary

        The Cairngorms National Park was established in March 2003 under The Cairngorms National Park Designation, Transitional and Consequential Provisions (Scotland) Order 2003. The boundary was extended...

        Water resource reliability

        The Resource Reliability data indicates the percentage of time additional consumptive abstraction may be available and what this means for abstraction licensing. The Resource Reliability data...

        Employment Designation

        This is a polygon dataset used to identify Employment Designation and was part of the Adopted Local Plan (1996-2005)

        Human resources data

        Human Resources Data including Redundancy, Leavers, Staff Count and Sickness. Additional Information Click the link for more information:...

        Aquifer Designation Dataset for England and Wales

        Joint BGS/Environment Agency dataset of aquifer designations for England and Wales at 1:50 000. The dataset identifies different types of aquifer - underground layers of water-bearing permeable...

        Covid 19 Resources

        A joint map of resources targeted towards the remedy and recovery during and after the COVID 19 crisis.  Information about resources and support services provided by a number of organisations...

        Conservation Designations for UK Taxa

        This collection of files details the conservation designations of over 13,000 UK "taxa" that have been assigned some form of rarity, threat or legal status in Great Britain or the UK. It is a...

        Coastal Design Sea Levels (2018) bundle

        Coastal Design/Extreme Sea Levels is a GIS dataset and supporting information providing design / extreme sea level and typical surge information around the coastline of the UK, including England,...

        Special Designation Line

        Special Designations are statutory and advisory designations that can be applied to protect a highway when street or road works are to be undertaken. A Special Designation feature will reference...

        Special Designation Area

        Special Designations are statutory and advisory designations that can be applied to protect a highway when street or road works are to be undertaken. A Special Designation feature will reference...

        Special Designation Point

        Special Designations are statutory and advisory designations that can be applied to protect a highway when street or road works are to be undertaken. A Special Designation feature will reference...

        Designated car parks

        Designated car parks are areas of land set aside for parking, within an established parking area. Designated car parks are for the exclusive use of tenants and leaseholders.

        Human Resources datasets

        Human Resources datasets related to individual staff eg learning and development.

        Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Operational Areas

        This is a spatial datasets containing the extent polygons for the Natural Resources Wales Operational Areas. This dataset shows the six main operational areas - North East Wales - North...

        Engineering Design Data

        Phase 1 and phase 2 engineering design information