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        417 results found

        Cooling Towers

        This dataset comprises point data providing the locations of Cooling Towers within Bristol.The Notification of Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers Regulations (1992) came into force on 2nd...

        Tower crane

        Data held on registered tower cranes and their location. Contains sensitive and commercial data.

        Cooling tower locations

        A dataset providing the locations of cooling towers. This is a combined list managed and enforced by Leeds City Council and the Health & Safety Executive. Cooling towers are part of a...

        Draw-off towers

        Spatial layer of flood risk structure. Attribute draw-off tower.

        Cooling Towers Public Register


        Cooling Towers In Camden

        This dataset contains the register of cooling towers or evaporative condensers held by the London Borough of Camden; which is required under The Notification of Cooling Towers and Evaporative...

        Tower of London World Heritage Site

        Tower of London World Heritage Site

        Cooling Towers

        The Notification of Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers Regulations 1992 require any person who has control of premises where a device covered by those regulations is situated to notify the...

        Residential Allocation

        Residential Allocation

        Residential Allocation

        Residential Allocation

        Residential Land

        Residential Land


        GIS polygon dataset identifying the areas of residential/retail mixed use land within the Brentwood Borough. This land has been chosen by the Local Planning Authority to be subject to Local Plan...

        Residential Parking

        Residential Parking in the City of Nottingham.

        Residential completions dashboard

        This dashboard provides details of residential completions from the [Planning London Datahub](

        Residential approvals dashboard

        This dashboard provides details of residential approvals from the [Planning London Datahub]( (PLD)....

        Residential starts dashboard

        This dashboard provides details of residential commencements (starts) from the [Planning London...

        Residential pipeline dashboard

        This dashboard calculates the residential pipeline at the end of each financial year using data from the [Planning London...


        GIS polygon dataset identifying the areas of residential land within the Brentwood Borough. This land has been chosen by the Local Planning Authority to be subject to Local Plan housing provision...

        Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers

        The Council is required by law to hold a list of cooling towers and evaporative condensers operating in its area to assist with legionella control. The data shows the address and operator details...

        Residential Properties

        Number of residential properties in Calderdale shown by street, locality, town and post code.