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        Immigration Statistics: sponsorship data

        This dataset replaces Volume 1 of the Immigration Statistics: before entry. Before travelling to the UK, a person may be required to apply for and be granted an entry clearance visa, depending on...

        World Heritage Sites GIS Data

        GIS spatial data for World Heritage Sites and their Buffer Zones, where existing, as inscribed by the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO. World Heritage Sites and their Buffer Zones are defined by...

        Building Preservation Notices GIS Data

        GIS spatial data for Building Preservation Notices. Building Preservation Notices are represented by a polygon defining the extent of the temporary protection. Local planning authorities may serve...

        E. coli monitoring data in bivalve shellfish covering England and Wales

        Monitoring of bivalve flesh for the statutory faecal indicator E.coli is a requirement under retained EU Regulation 2019/627 to allow the classification of bivalve mollusc harvesting areas...

        Natural England Survey Licence Returns Data

        This data set has been produced from details submitted to Natural England in licence returns associated with Science & Conservation/Research licences and Class Survey Licences. The data set...

        Family food open data

        The National Food Survey was the predecessor of the Living Costs and Food Survey, and ran in some form from 1940 to 2000. Survey data from 1974 to 2000 is being provided as Open Data, in the form...

        Data on written complaints in the NHS

        The NHS complaints procedure is the statutorily based mechanism for dealing with complaints about NHS care and treatment and all NHS organisations in England are required to operate the procedure....

        Greater London Archaeological Priority Areas GIS data

        Archaeological Priority Areas (APAs) are areas where there is significant known archaeological interest or potential for new discoveries. APAs are used to help highlight where development might...

        Leeds meteorological data

        Hourly and 15 minute meteorological data from a weather station in Leeds. Please note the change of location of the station as below. Readings were taken at: ----------------------- * Pottery...

        BIS Prompt Payment data

        These files present the percentage of Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) invoices paid within: 5 days 30 days. From 1 April 2015 all central government departments, including...

        Corporate Fraud data

        In order to meet the Local Government Transparency Code 2014, local authorities should publish annually the following details of their counter fraud work: Number of occasions they use...

        London Borough of Camden Housing Tenant Satisfaction Measures Data 2023-2024

        The Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023 established the requirement for all social housing providers to report annually against 22 standard measures called Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) with...

        Photogrammetric Data Of The UK And World

        The database contains scanned photographs (at 1016dpi) of the UK and various locations around the world. Some are single band (black&white) others are 3 band colour. The images are stored in...

        Certificates of Immunity GIS Data

        GIS spatial data for Certificates of Immunity. Certificates of Immunity are represented by a polygon defining the extent of the area covered by the Certificate. The Secretary of State may, on the...

        DPIA Pre-Screens (Data Privacy Impact Assessments)

        A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) pre-screen is a shortened version of the full DPIA and is used to determine if the full assessment is needed. It should be carried out before any new data...

        Scottish Water Reported Overflow Event Data to SEPA 2019-2023 Summary

        This overflow event data set is the Scottish Water (SW) reported annual overflow event submissions to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) for the last 5 calendar years (2019-2023) for...

        Open Data Planning Applications

        Waverley Borough Council current planning applications and all applications decided within the last 100 days. When presented with the web page please click FILE/SAVE AS and when prompted save the...

        Energy Performance of Buildings Data England and Wales

        This dataset contains information from Energy Performance Certificates and Display Energy Certificates for buildings in England and Wales The requirement for energy certificates for buildings...

        Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Prompt payment data

        On 2 September 2020 FCO and DFID merged to form a new Department, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. Prompt Payments data for FCO and DFID remain available on From 1...

        OSNI Open Data Largescale Boundaries - Country 2016

        The OSNI Large-scale boundaries is a polygon dataset consisting of the land area of Northern Ireland. The data has been extracted from OSNI Largescale database and has been topologically cleansed...