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178 results found

Registered Excise Dealers and Shippers (REDS)

Provides information on revenue collected by different duties through registered excise dealers and shippers data. Updated: monthly.

Registered Excise Dealers and Shippers (REDS)

Provides information on revenue collected by different duties through registered excise dealers and shippers data. Updated: monthly.

EWCO Biodiversity - Priority Species - Red Squirrel - Woodland Creation

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional contribution targeting for Nature Recovery. This layer is identical to that titled ‘CS WCM Biodiversity - Priority...

Areas to Benefit - Capital Schemes (Red) Points

HISTORIC DATASET. DO NOT USE FOR CURRENT ANALYSIS. This is a spatial, polygon, displaying areas that would benefit from the presence of a new, or improvement of a current flood defence scheme as...

Red & Green Claims

Names and addresses, claim details and bank details for payment or receipt for damage to the network by drivers or by the network to drivers' vehicles

Red rated Large Projects - CYC

Red rated Large Projects - CYC. RAG (red-amber-green) project rating is used in project management for indicating the progress of projects. This measure shows the number of council's large...

Bathymetric LiDAR for Red Bay

Small test site for combined bathymetric and topographic LiDAR in Red Bay, surveyed January 2006. Data were tidally corrected using UK Hydrographic Office "Total Tide" software and cleaned in Caris...

Common Pheasant and Red-legged Partridge releases – European sites and 500m buffer zones (England)

Common Pheasant and Red-legged Partridge releases – European sites and 500m buffer zones This dataset is static (not planned to be updated). This data is published only to support gamebird...

Authorisations Held by FSA Staff

A snap-shot of the numbers of FSA inspection staff (Official Veterinarians and Meat Hygiene Inspectors) designated for red meat, poultry and wild game.

Routing Hazard

These are locations which are hazardous, and caution should be taken to ensure safe travel. Hazards are usually signed using the warning sign through a red triangle.

Water chemistry from the Red River Delta, Vietnam, 2018 to 2020

The dataset contains physical, chemical and biological measurements from the waters of 21 river sites across the Red River Delta in northern Vietnam. The data were collected monthly between...

Open space provision for children and young people

Areas designed primarily for play and social interaction involving children and young people. Includes equipped play areas, ball courts, outdoor basketball hoop areas, skateboard areas, teenage...

Conservation Designations for UK Taxa

This collection of files details the conservation designations of over 13,000 UK "taxa" that have been assigned some form of rarity, threat or legal status in Great Britain or the UK. It is a...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCB12894

Survey name: Kingsteignton, Bickley Ball Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail...

Model output for soil carbon and nitrogen turnover in agricultural sites in the Red Soil region of China

Summary output data (including soil organic carbon concentration, nitrogen, available water and carbon dioxide) from simulations of soil in a small agricultural catchment (Sunjia) in Southeast...

Selectivity of Gillnets used in the Cornish Red Mullet Fishery 2010/11 - Fisheries Science Partnership

To look at the capture of red mullet, and associated species, with different mesh sizes of gill nets. A range of nets will be used, within the range 50-80mm, made up into identical fleets to help...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post1988 survey ALCR16293

Survey name: Ball Hill (Basingstoke LP Site 20) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data - scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in...

Police Disclosure Unit performance

Police performance in relation to DBS check applications each month for financial year 2015-16. It shows each police units Red, Amber and Green (RAG) status and the associated calculation used to...

Vertical Aerial Photography

Vertical aerial photography is an airborne mapping technique, which uses a high-resolution camera mounted vertically underneath the aircraft to capture reflected light in the red, green, blue and...


Restriction includes turn restrictions, restriction for vehicles, and access restrictions. Turn restrictions are a restriction based upon a vehicle manoeuvre. This type of restriction includes...