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Net Tax Receipts

Tax receipts. Updated: monthly.

Income Tax Receipts

This publication contains income tax receipts broken down according to the way in which tax is collected (through Pay As You Earn, Self Assessment etc), income tax repayments and tax credit figures...

Net Tax Receipts

Tax receipts. Updated: monthly.

Revenue protected tax receipts

Tax receipts that are protected through HMRC activity, such as legislative action or guidance, that prevents non-compliance.

HM Revenue & Customs Receipts

Provides monthly and annual historical records on all HMRC Tax & NIC receipts, and Tax Credit payments. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Tax receipts and...

Inheritance Tax: Analysis of Receipts

Provides information on Inheritance Tax (IHT) cash receipts from estates and trusts and values of non-cash settlements of IHT liabilities. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits:...

Revenue protected tax receipts

Tax receipts that are protected through HMRC activity, such as legislative action or guidance, that prevents non-compliance.

Receipts of Council Taxes

Receipts of council taxes collected during the financial year irrespective of the financial year to which the receipts relate. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation:...

Pooling of Housing Receipts

Information on (a) local authorities' housing receipts (particularly Right to Buy receipts), (b) calculation of what parts are poolable, and (c) the amounts each local authority has actually paid

Staff in receipt of overtime payments report

Detailed report showing staff in receipt of overtime payments. Updated: quarterly.

PAYE and Corporate Tax Receipts from the Banking Sector

PAYE and corporation tax receipts from the banking sector Pay-As-You-Earn (income tax and national insurance contributions). Previously listed under 'PAYE and corporation tax receipts from the...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Tax receipts and taxpayers

Provides monthly and quarterly information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and...

PAYE and corporation tax receipts from the banking sector

PAYE and corporation tax receipts from the banking sector Pay-As-You-Earn (income tax and national insurance contributions) Source agency: HM Revenue and Customs Designation: Official...

Capital Payments and Receipts Live table

Qaurterly capital expenditure and receipts (CPR1-4) England Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Right To Buy - Number of Receipts by Local Authority

Right to Buy Receipts The figures include receipts arising from all sales included in the sales figures. Figures for a particular quarter may include receipts arising from a sale in another...

Local Authority Capital Expenditure and Receipts, England

Provides estimates of capital expenditure and receipts. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Local Authority...

Local authority capital expenditure and receipts, England

This series brings together all documents relating to Local authority capital expenditure, receipts and financing. Forecast, provisonal outturn and final outturn

Older People in receipt of Homecare

Data showing where Cambridgeshire County Council funds home care for older people in their own ward Data is currently available for 2015/16 and 2017/18

Local authority capital expenditure and receipts, England - capital forecast

Statistics on local authority capital expenditure and financing in England

Collection Rates and Receipts of Council tax and Non Domestic rates, England

Press release relating to council tax and non-domestic rates collection rates by local billing authority. This publication was previously called 'Collection Rates of Council tax and Non Domestic...