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328 results found

Watercourse Reaches

Collection of water over a natural drainage area including, description of the reach code, the river type and the river name.

Children's Centres Reach Areas

Children's Centres Reach Areas in Calderdale. These files contain the shape, extent and location (eastings and northings) of the Reach Areas. The pdf map shows the defined Reach Areas for...

Mineral Prospecting Applications

**As of 1st October 2022 there are no Mineral Prospecting Applications.** **Please see for Active Licences.** This dataset contains...

Locality Reach Areas of Public Amenities

The public amenities reach areas covers a range of public facilities and which locality jurisdiction they fall into. Included are the postcodes in those reach areas. Please find the link to...

Mineral Prospecting Licences

This dataset contains Prospecting Licences issued under the Minerals Development Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 by the Department for the Economy. These data geometry are polygons showing the extent...

Pupil attainment: % reaching Level 2 and 3 by age 19

Proportion of people studying in a local authority at age 15-19 that reach the level 3 threshold, by age and cohort Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES), Learning and Skills Council...

DEFRA Survey on impacts on businesses of REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals)

The Defra REACH Business Impacts Survey was designed to provide Defra with information about the impact of the EU REACH Regulation on UK businesses after the first registration deadline of 30...

Map based index (GeoIndex) opencast coal prospecting areas

The map based index includes outlines for some 8,000 opencast coal prospecting sites dating from the 1940s until the mid 1990s. The index leads to information on the records of some 1 million...

Childrens centre reach areas

Catchment areas for individual Childrens Centres.

Hampshire Avon: Vertical head gradient, saturated hydraulic conductivity and pore water chemistry data from six river reaches

This dataset contains measurements of hydraulic head and saturated hydraulic conductivity together with porewater chemistry from banks and riverbed sediments in six river reaches of contrasting...

Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) Working Paper 2009-04: Investigating the prospects for Carbon Capture and Storage technology in India

Technical report (2009) commissioned by Christian Aid and written by researchers from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Surrey. It aims to explore the prospects for carbon capture...

Absolute gap in % of children who reach expected level of development at 2-2.5 years of age between highest and lowest York ward (4 yr aggregated)

Absolute gap in % of children who reach expected level of development at 2-2.5 years of age between highest and lowest York ward (4 yr aggregated)

Prospective Investigation of Pesticide Application Health (PIPAH)

Used for inputting, retention, retrieval and analysis of medical and other data collected on workers exposed to pesticides. Number of records in dataset – 3000. Contains sensitive medical in...

2011, EOG Resources, J Prospect, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2566

An oil and gas industry drilling hazard, jack-up rig, environmental, seabed infrastructure site survey acquired under licence P1476 in August 2011. The block numbers traversed were 110/12a, 110/7b,...

2009, EOG Resources, Prospect D, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2056

An oil and gas industry site survey acquired between September and October 2009. The block numbers traversed were 110/12a, 110/12b.

2009, EOG Resources, Prospect E, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2057

An oil and gas industry site survey acquired between September and October 2009. The block number traversed was 110/12.

Species point records from 2000 Reach Little Ross Island (Kircudbright Bay) littoral survey

Private contracted littoral survey of Little Ross Island. Two sites were surveyed. Site 1 was an exposed shore and Site 2 more sheltered. Representative of wave-exposure gradients around this tiny,...

2006 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA7 Technical Report - hydrocarbon prospectivity, earthquakes, continental shelves and Rockall Trough surficial and sea-bed geology and sea-bed processes

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA7) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). Investigations of the...

Hampshire Avon: Dissolved oxygen data collected at one minute intervals from five river reaches

This dataset contains instream dissolved oxygen data collected continuously at one minute intervals for five sites in the Hampshire Avon catchment in the United Kingdom. Data were collected between...

NI 099 - Children in care reaching level 4 in English at Key Stage 2.

Number of looked after children who were in care for at least one year who were in year 6 (key stage 2) and who achieved at least level 4 in English against the total number of looked after...