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NOX Air Quality Tubes

NOX AIr Quality Monitoring Tube Locations (NOXT) as maintained by Mole Valley District Council. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector...

NOX Air Quality Tubes

NOX AIr Quality Monitoring Tube Locations (NOXT) as maintained by Mole Valley District Council. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector...

Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tube Sites

Salford operates a nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube network to obtain information on the temporal and spatial variation. The network has over 10 years of data at various locations in the area. The...

Diffusion Tubes

Air diffusion tubes location in Sefton

Diffusion Tube Data

Diffusion tubes are small, relatively inexpensive air pollution (nitrogen dioxide) monitors.  They are small plastic tubes, open at one end with a gauze at the other end.  The gauze is soaked in a...

Diffusion Tubes Data

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) diffusion tube data for monitoring locations within York - both inside and outside Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA), from 2005 onwards. Data is updated on annual basis in...

Sheffield Diffusion Tubes

shows the location of air quality diffusion tubes within Sheffield.

Purchase Order Transactions

A Purchase Order is a document sent by the Council to a supplier indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services. Acceptance of a purchase order forms a contract between...


Location of NOX tubes in Medway

Air Quality Monitoring Diffusion Tube

This dataset contains Nitrogen Dioxide readings from a range of diffusion tubes across the London Borough of Camden. Diffusion tubes are often used for indicative monitoring of ambient nitrogen...

Food and You biennial consumer survey (2010, 2012, 2014)

The Food and You survey provides information about reported behaviours, attitudes and knowledge relating to food issues. It provides data on people’s reported food purchasing, storage, preparation,...

Compulsory Purchase Orders

Compulory Purchase Orders (CPOs) that are registerable (in the local land charges register) after 1 January 2012 located within the Hastings Borough Council Administrative Area. (Polygon Dataset)....

Air Quality Diffusion Tubes

Locations of diffusion tubes for monitoring NO2 levels in York, along with their __latest available bias corrected annual mean__ values. Values currently displayed correspond to __calendar year...

Complusory Purchase

Compulsory Purchase Orders for Wychavon District Council

Compulsory Purchase Orders

Land purchased by Stockport Council by means of a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)

Compulsory Purchase Orders

Cherwell District Council Compulsory Purchase Orders records. Compulsory purchase powers are provided to enable acquiring authorities to compulsorily purchase land to carry out a function which...


Dataset shows NOx air quality monitoring tubes at Bideford, Torrington and Holsworthy

Milk purchaser sizes and amounts purchased 1994 to 2013

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains milk purchaser sizes and amounts purchased 1994 to 2013 Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency

Camden Air Quality Diffusion Tubes

This dataset contains the location of air quality diffusion tubes and annual NO2 measurements across the borough of Camden.

North Lincolnshire Council Air monitoring - Diffusion Tubes

North Lincolnshire Council Air monitoring - Diffusion Tubes represented as points Air monitoring - Diffusion Tubes digitised with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.