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        1,416 results found

        Bank transactions

        GBCC - Bank transactions

        Bank transactions

        Wilton Park - Bank transactions

        Recycling Banks

        Location of Recycling Banks in Oxford and the materials they accept

        Recycling Banks

        shows the location of recycling banks in lambeth, and what materials can be recycled at each site

        HMG banking database

        A list of HMG UK and overseas bank and control accounts

        Offshore Reef areas: Blackstone Banks

        Blackstone Banks. Investigation of offshore rocky reef areas. Additional information source: Mitchell, A.J. and Service, M. 2004. Blackstone Banks and Stanton Banks Habitat Mapping. Report to JNCC.

        York’s unemployment rate below the national (%pt) - (Snapshot)

        York’s unemployment rate below the national (%pt) - (Snapshot)

        Lloyds and Commerce Bank Accounts

        MOD bank account information for both Lloyds and Commerce Banks (not accessible through DII/F)

        FODC Recycling Banks

        This data set includes the following information about recycling banks within the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area; longitude, latitude, site name, address, town, postcode, opening hours...

        Thurrock Recycling Banks

        This dataset shows the locations of Recycling Banks in Thurrock. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE

        Offshore Reef areas: Stanton Banks (North)

        Stanton Banks (North). Investigation of offshore rocky reef areas. Additional information source: Mitchell, A.J. and Service, M. 2004. Blackstone Banks and Stanton Banks Habitat Mapping. Report...

        Payments Rejected by Customers' Banks

        Customer level data containing details of payments rejected by customers' banks Location: GB wide data Time Period: 14 months Update Frequency: Daily Financial Information: Included Data: Customer...

        Offshore Reef areas: Stanton Banks (South)

        Stanton Banks (South). Investigation of offshore rocky reef areas. Additional information source: Mitchell, A., Service, M., Bates, R. 2009. Blackstone Bank and Stanton Banks Habitat Mapping....

        Local Authority Icelandic Bank Investments

        This release relates to the local authority Icelandic bank investments based on a survey of 482 authorities in England as at 31 December 2008. Source agency: Communities and Local...

        Belfast City Council Bottle Banks

        This data set contains information about our bottle banks

        Bank Advances to Scottish Agriculture

        Summary statistics showing lending to Scottish agriculture. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Bank Advances to Scottish...

        FCA: Comparison of banking providers’ fraud controls

        Reducing fraud is a priority for the FCA. We have published information about banks’ fraud controls. It is intended to enable consumers and consumer groups to compare how banks protect their...

        NHS Workforce Statistics - Bank Staff

        NHS Workforce statistics on bank staff employed directly by NHS trusts and paid through the NHS Electronic Staff Record (ESR) pay and human resources system.

        2009 Centrica, Race Bank cable corridor

        Race Bank cable corridor: amended application area as at August 2009.

        2009 Centrica, Race Bank cable corridor

        Race Bank cable corridor: amended application area as at August 2009.