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Adult Psychiatric Morbidity in England

Provide estimates of mental health problems among adults living in private households in England, to monitor trends in mental health disorders and examine factors that might be associated with...

Armed Forces Psychiatric Morbidity Report

Statistics on psychiatric morbidity in the Armed Forces. As of 31 March 2010, this report will be published under the new title of 'Armed Forces Mental Health Report' Source agency:...

HPI: Health care resourcing for medical, surgical and psychiatric specialties

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Health care resourcing: Net health care expenditure (inpatient and outpatients) per capita for medical, surgical and psychiatric specialties Source:...

Psychiatric Morbidity Among Prisoners

Provides information about the prevalence of psychiatric problems (including substance dependence) among male and female, remand and sentenced prisoners in 1997. Source agency: Office for National...

Psychiatric Morbidity Among Women Prisoners

Presents information on the mental health of women prisoners from a survey of psychiatric morbidity among prisoners aged 16-64 in England and Wales. Source agency: Office for National...

Psychiatric Morbidity Among Young Offenders

Presents information on the mental health of young offenders from a survey of psychiatric morbidity among prisoners aged 16-64 in England and Wales which was carried out in 1997. Source agency:...

Mental Health (Psychiatric) Hospital Activity Statistics

Psychiatric hospital activity statistics. Contains information on trends in inpatient activity, including data shown by NHS Board and diagnosis. Statistics on psychiatric readmissions are also...

Estimating the Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Conditions in Adults - Extending the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey

This report presents a new estimate of the prevalence of autism among adults aged 18 years and over. This was derived using data from the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey (APMS 2007) in...

Psychiatric Morbidity Among Adults Living in Private Households

Presents the findings of a survey of psychiatric morbidity among adults aged 16 to 74 living in private households in Great Britain. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...

Mental Health Community Teams Activity

Quarterly data on new cases taken on in the year by Early Intervention (EI) in psychosis services, number of patients on Care Programme Approach (CPA) followed up within 7 days of discharge from...

Statistics of mentally disordered offenders, England and Wales

This bulletin is an annual publication that summarises information about people subject to a restriction order (restricted patients) admitted to, detained in, or discharged from psychiatric...

Mental health: Prevalence of common mental health problems

Number and proportion of people with neurotic disorders including phobias, depressive episodes, generalised anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and panic disorder Source: Department of...

Mental Health Community Teams Activity

Quarterly data on new cases taken on in the year by Early Intervention (EI) in psychosis services, number of patients on Care Programme Approach (CPA) followed up within 7 days of discharge from...

Autism Spectrum Disorders in adults living in households throughout England

A Clinical Evaluation of the Diagnosis of Autistic Disorder in the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey - a technical study to help establish methods for studing the epidemiology of autism spectrum...

In-patients formally detained in hospitals under the Mental Health Act 1983

This bulletin presents the latest information on uses of the Mental Health Act 1983 ("The Act") in England (excluding guardianship under Sections 7 and 37) between 1 April and 31 March each year....

Undiagnosed Serious Infectious Illnesses - USII

Web capture system for Undiagnosed Serious Infectious Illnesses surveillance in ICU (Intesive Care Unit)/PICU (Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit)

Substance misuse among prisoners

The report presents the results from secondary analysis of the data on substance abuse from the ONS survey of psychiatric morbidity among prisoners in England and Wales. Source agency: Office for...

Alcohol-related Hospital Statistics

Alcohol-related discharges from general acute and psychiatric hospitals and provides an update on data presented in the Alcohol Statistics Scotland publications. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part...

The social and economic circumstances of adults with mental disorders

Presents the findings from a survey of psychiatric morbidity among adults aged 16 to 74 living in private households in Great Britain. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...

Drug Related Hospital Statistics

Drug related hospital and psychiatric discharge statistics. Normally published as part of Drug Misuse Statistics Scotland publication, due to issues with data submissions being published...