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2,390 results found

Staff temporary promotions

Details of staff on temporary promotion. Updated: annually.

Staff permanent promotions

Details of staff permanently promoted. Updated: annually.

Promotional material distribution lists

Promotion material distribution lists - Name, email address, postal address, telephone number, subject interest.

Promoting high performance working

This data describes SME use of high performance work practices. It supports a report on the rationale and evidence base for policy development in high performance working. The report also...

Rights of Way - Promoted Routes

Promoted walking, cycling and horseriding routes

NYMNPA Promoted Routes

Routes and walks that the National Park promote either through it's website or publications. It contains walk routes varying from easy access to long distance routes. It also contains promoted bike...

Temporary Promotions Db

Recording temporary promotions and end dates


Code-Point® precisely locates 1.7 million postcode units in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Each unit contains an average of 15 adjoining addresses. For direct marketers, Code-Point® helps you...

Code-Point with polygons

Code-Point® with polygons shows the notional shape of every postcode unit in Great Britain, and includes major buildings with multiple postcodes. For compelling visuals, Code-Point with polygons...

Code-Point Open

Code-Point Open is a dataset that contains postcode units, each of which have a precise geographical location. To give you extra analytical power, Code-Point Open includes NHS authority and...

Woodland Carbon Code Statistics

Quarterly statistics of projects registered under the Woodland Carbon Code in the UK. Source agency: Forestry Commission Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

FCA: Financial promotions data 2022

The FCA analyses data, between 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022, resulting from action taken against authorised firms breaching financial promotion rules and referrals and investigations into...

FCA: Financial promotions data 2023

The FCA analyses, and provides insights on the data, between 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023, resulting from action taken against authorised firms breaching financial promotion rules and...

FCA: Financial promotions data 2021

This is the first time that the FCA has published a full year of data and shows that it has intervened in 564 financial promotions last year that were in breach of current rules. Last year, the...

Forestry Statistics - Woodland Carbon Code Statistics

The Woodland Carbon Code is a voluntary standard, initiated in July 2011, for woodland creation projects that make claims about the carbon they sequester (take out of the atmosphere). Woodland...

Code for Sustainable Homes

Statistics on the number of dwellings that have been certified to the standards set out in the Code Technical Guide, in which local authority area, at which Code level and whether the homes are...

Woodland Carbon Code Statistics: Data to March 2017

The Woodland Carbon Code is a voluntary standard, initiated in July 2011, for woodland creation projects that make claims about the carbon they sequester (take out of the atmosphere). Woodland...

Woodland Carbon Code Statistics: Data to September 2017

The Woodland Carbon Code is a voluntary standard, initiated in July 2011, for woodland creation projects that make claims about the carbon they sequester (take out of the atmosphere). Woodland...

Woodland Carbon Code Statistics: Data to December 2017

The Woodland Carbon Code is a voluntary standard, initiated in July 2011, for woodland creation projects that make claims about the carbon they sequester (take out of the atmosphere). Woodland...

Woodland Carbon Code Statistics: Data to September 2016

The Woodland Carbon Code is a voluntary standard, initiated in July 2011, for woodland creation projects that make claims about the carbon they sequester (take out of the atmosphere). Woodland...