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        92 results found

        Prescription Cost Analysis, England

        Prescription Cost Analysis (PCA) provides details of the number of items and the net ingredient cost of all prescriptions dispensed in the community in England. The drugs dispensed are listed by...

        Prescriptions Dispensed in the Community

        A summary of prescriptions dispensed in the community by community pharmacists, appliance contractors and dispensing doctors in England. The bulletin highlights recent changes and the main trends...

        Quarterly Prescription Cost Analysis, England

        Quarterly Prescription Cost Analysis (PCA) provides details of the number of items and the net ingredient cost of all prescriptions dispensed in the community in England. The drugs dispensed are...

        London Primary Care Spend on Prescriptions for Antidepressant Drugs

        Aggregated spend on community pharmacy prescriptions for antidepressant drugs in 2009/10 by PCT. Data source: ePACT, NHS Prescriptions Services This data is being published by NHS London...

        Environmental risks of GM medicines

        Desk study to review environmental risks from research trials and marketing of GM veterinary and human medicines

        NHS Dictionary of Medicines and Devices

        NHS Dictionary of Medicines and Devices

        Whether GP Practices Provide Functionality For Patients To Order Repeat Prescriptions Electronically

        Supplies details of whether GP Practices provide patient access to electronically order repeat prescriptions online. Purpose To represent the number of GP Practices that provide systemic...

        Veterinary Medicines Regulations (VMR) - consultation data

        List of consultees for consultation exercises on the Veterinary Medicines Regulations (VMR) and related consultations.

        National Audit of Dementia care in general hospitals psychotropic prescription spotlight data

        The data contained in this CSV file were first published in February 2020 in the ' Hospital Initiated prescription of psychotropic medication for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia:...

        Veterinary Medicines Regulations (VMR) - enforcement data

        Data on individual enforcement cases (e.g. Intelligence, information supplied/gatherered about possible breaches of the Veterinary Medicines Regulations (VMR)).

        HPV (Human Papillomavirus) seroprevalence in GUM (Genito-Urinary Medicine) attendees

        HPV (Human Papillomavirus) seroprevalence in GUM (Genito-Urinary Medicine) attendees identified using the Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinic Activity Dataset - GUMCAD data

        Veterinary Medicines Retailers and Feed Business Operator Inspections

        The data provides information on inspections of veterinary medicines retailers and feed business operators.

        Clinical Senior Lectureship awards for clinical medicine and dentistry

        The clinical senior lectureship awards for clinical medicine and dentistry were developed with UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC). They aimed to support trained clinical academics in...

        Prescribing Costs in Hospitals and the Community - NICE Medicine Level

        This report compares expenditure between primary and secondary care in total and for medicines positively appraised by NICE. This dataset is the NICE-appraised medicine breakdown. Datasets for...

        Reports from the EU Committee of Veterinary Medicinal Products meetings (24 hour reports)

        Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) internal report of the EU Committee of Veterinary Medicinal Products meeting

        Performance against targets for veterinary medicine applications 2016 to 2017

        The VMD’s performance against the targets set for dealing with veterinary medicine applications.

        Spend over £25,000 in the Veterinary Medicines Directorate

        A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. Data...

        Special Import/Special Treatment Certificates for imported use of veterinary medicines

        These certificates are produced and released to the applicant upon approval of an application to import a medicine from outside the UK.

        Adverse drug reactions (Yellow card scheme)

        adverse incidents involving prescription medicines, vaccines, over the counter medicines and herbal remedies. Continuous collection. Safety reportsconcerning medical devices - collection, analysis...

        Good Manufacturing Practice Inspections Team (GMPIT) inspections of manufacturing premises of veterinary medicines

        Material relating to Veterinary Medicines Directorate VMD inspections (e.g. Inspection reports, agendas, notes). The VMD's own internal inspection schedule.