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418 results found

Kent and Essex IFCA whelk pot hole size pilot study 2012

In response to a dramatic increase in the number of whelk pots being set in the district in 2011, KEIFCA introduced an emergency byelaw limiting the number of pots per vessel to 300. As part of the...

Kent and Essex IFCA whelk pot hole size pilot study 2012

In response to a dramatic increase in the number of whelk pots being set in the district in 2011, KEIFCA introduced an emergency byelaw limiting the number of pots per vessel to 300. As part of the...

Mixed Use Allocations

Mixed Use Allocations

Mixed Halogenated Dioxins

Mixed halogenated dioxins and biphenyls in food

Mixed Use Sites

Mixed Use Sites as part of the Local Plan for North Hertfordshire District Council adopted in November 2022.

Mixed Use Development

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Mixed Use Development and was part of the Adopted Local Plan (1996-2005)

Mixed Development Sites

Sites identified in the Allocations Plan which are identified for mixed development, either as new development, redevelopment, conversion or a combination.


design_brief_mixed_use Polygon dataset indicating geographic location of Mixed Use sites in the Tendring area. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of...

Mixed Sex Accommodation Breaches

Number of breaches of the policy on Mixed Sex Accommodation in relation to sleeping accomodation for the month, broken down by provider and commissioner. Source agency: Health Designation:...

Mixed Sex Accommodation Breaches

Number of breaches of the policy on Mixed Sex Accommodation in relation to sleeping accomodation for the month, broken down by provider and commissioner. Source agency: NHS England Designation:...

Mixed Commercial Development

Carlisle City Council Mixed Commercial Development. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE

Mixed Water Supply

Mixed water supply areas in Calderdale, saved as a .TAB file in a compressed (zipped) format. These files contains the shape, extent and location of mixed water supplies. Further infromation can be...

LDP Mixed Use Allocations

Mixed Use Allocations dataset included in the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan.

Mixed Employment Recreation & Tourism

Sites allocated for use for mixed employment, recreation & tourism uses or for the intensification of these.

Mixed Use Development 2

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Mixed Use Development and was part of the Adopted Replacement Local Plan (2005)

2010-2016 North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority, Edible Crab Carapace Lengths Offshore Potting Survey

Edible Crab Carapace Lengths from potting surveys conducted in the NEIFCA district

2010-2016 North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority, Edible Crab Carapace Lengths Offshore Potting Survey

Edible Crab Carapace Lengths from potting surveys conducted in the NEIFCA district

2004-2016 North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority, European Lobster Carapace Lengths Offshore Potting Survey

European Lobster Carapace Lengths from potting surveys conducted in the NEIFCA district

2004-2016 North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority, European Lobster Carapace Lengths Offshore Potting Survey

European Lobster Carapace Lengths from potting surveys conducted in the NEIFCA district

Land allocated for Mixed use development

Mixed use development - Land allocated for mixed use development in Local Plan 2006 In order to improve facilities and employment opportunities in the borough, to make best use of land in...