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Risk Levels Under Review

The Risk Level Under Review identifies locations where model data incorporated to the Flood Risk Assessment Wales (FRAW) map is under review and potentially liable to change within the next 6...

Potentially Vulnerable Areas (PVAs)

Potentially Vulnerable Areas (PVAs) are geographical areas that are designated for flood management under the Flood Risk Management Act (Scotland) 2009. They show parts of catchments and coastal...

Flood Risk Areas

This metadata record is for Approval for Access product AfA256. Flood Risk Areas identify locations where there is believed to be significant flood risk. The EU Floods Directive refers to Flood...

WWNP Floodplain Reconnection Potential

This dataset has been produced as part of the Mapping Potential for Working with Natural Processes research project (SC150005). The project created a toolbox of mapped data and methods which enable...

Skills Funding Agency Risk Register

National Risk Register identifies particular areas that may be of potential concern

City Flood Risk Area

Composite flood risk polygon for the City combing areas of potential for surface water flooding and river flooding. This Policy Area is relevant to City Plan 2036 Strategic Policy S15: Climate...

Commodity Pest Risk Analysis

Help prepare the UK for the new EU Plant Health regime proposals that are expected to require commodity risk assessments for some new potential trades in plants for planting.

Development High Risk Area

The Development High Risk Area is the part of the coal mining reporting area which contains one or more recorded coal mining related features which have the potential for instability or a degree of...

WWNP Floodplain Woodland Potential

This dataset has been produced as part of the Mapping Potential for Working with Natural Processes research project (SC150005). The project created a toolbox of mapped data and methods which enable...

Agricultural Critical Risk Areas

The agricultural risk map is based on activity classed as arable horticulture or improved grassland by the CEH land cover map 2007, which is carried out on land parcels scored against a matrix of...

Agricultural Critical Risk Areas

The agricultural risk map is based on activity classed as arable horticulture or improved grassland by the CEH land cover map 2007, which is carried out on land parcels scored against a matrix of...

Agricultural Critical Risk Areas

The agricultural risk map is based on activity classed as arable horticulture or improved grassland by the CEH land cover map 2007, which is carried out on land parcels scored against a matrix of...

Agricultural Critical Risk Areas

The agricultural risk map is based on activity classed as arable horticulture or improved grassland by the CEH land cover map 2007, which is carried out on land parcels scored against a matrix of...

Agricultural Critical Risk Areas

The agricultural risk map is based on activity classed as arable horticulture or improved grassland by the CEH land cover map 2007, which is carried out on land parcels scored against a matrix of...

Agricultural Critical Risk Areas

The agricultural risk map is based on activity classed as arable horticulture or improved grassland by the CEH land cover map 2007, which is carried out on land parcels scored against a matrix of...

Agricultural Critical Risk Areas

The agricultural risk map is based on activity classed as arable horticulture or improved grassland by the CEH land cover map 2007, which is carried out on land parcels scored against a matrix of...

Agricultural Critical Risk Areas

The agricultural risk map is based on activity classed as arable horticulture or improved grassland by the CEH land cover map 2007, which is carried out on land parcels scored against a matrix of...

Agricultural Critical Risk Areas

The agricultural risk map is based on activity classed as arable horticulture or improved grassland by the CEH land cover map 2007, which is carried out on land parcels scored against a matrix of...

Plant Pest Risk Analyses (PRA) documents

Pest Risk Analyses (PRA) are produced by Defra to assess the threat from plant pests and diseases, including the likelihood of them entering the UK and/or EU and their potential impact on crops and...

WWNP Wider Catchment Woodland Potential

This dataset has been produced as part of the Mapping Potential for Working with Natural Processes research project (SC150005). The project created a toolbox of mapped data and methods which enable...