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Featured Prospects (33rd Round)


Mine Entry Potential Zone of Influence

A Mine Entry with Potential Zone of Influence is the area of the ground that might be affected if subsidence of the mine entry was to occur. Each mine entry has a zone of influence buffer around...

Potential Woodland Creation Sites in London's Green Belt

This map was created by the GLA in 2017 as a preliminary analysis of the potential for woodland creation in London’s Green Belt, which covers 35,000 hectares. The map shows land in London’s Green...

ID 2007 Years of Potential Life Lost indicator

ID 2007: Health Deprivation and Disability, Years of Potential Life Lost indicator Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID 2007 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Lower...

ID 2004 Years of Potential Life Lost indicator

ID 2004: Health Deprivation and Disability, Years of Potential Life Lost indicator Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): ID 2004 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Lower...

WITHDRAWN:BGS BGS-HPA OneGeology Radon Potential (OGC WMS)

The BGS-HPA UK OneGeology Radon Potential Web map service provides access to the BGS-HPA UK OneGeology Radon Potential dataset. This service provides access to the BGS-HPA UK OneGeology Radon...

Local Plan 2003 Areas of High Archaeological Potential

Areas of High Archaeological Potential in Guildford Borough as defined in the Local Plan 2003. This data was reviewed and updated in 2010.


Areas of Archaeological Potential are areas within the historic cores of towns and villages, where it is probable that archaeological remains will be encountered, created by the Cheshire Historic...


Areas of Archaeological Potential are areas within the historic cores of towns and villages, where it is probable that archaeological remains will be encountered, created by the Cheshire Historic...


Areas of Archaeological Potential are areas within the historic cores of towns and villages, where it is probable that archaeological remains will be encountered, created by the Cheshire Historic...


Areas of Archaeological Potential are areas within the historic cores of towns and villages, where it is probable that archaeological remains will be encountered, created by the Cheshire Historic...

Shale Prospective Areas BNG (BGS, NSTA)


UK Shale Prospective Areas (BGS, NTS)


UK Shale Prospective Areas (BGS, NTSA)


Solar Potential

This dataset comprises polygon data which shows an assessment of building roofs within the Bristol area for suitability for the installation of solar panels. This provides a general indication of...

Radon potential for Great Britain version 3

Radon is a natural radioactive gas, which enters buildings from the ground. The joint UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) (formerly Public Health England (PHE)) - British Geological Survey (BGS)...


Areas formerly designated as Areas of Archaeological Potential.


Areas formerly designated as Areas of Archaeological Potential.


Areas formerly designated as Areas of Archaeological Potential.


Areas formerly designated as Areas of Archaeological Potential.