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Marine Management Organisation Marine Plan Areas

The 'Marine Plan Areas' are 11 sub-areas of the 'English inshore and offshore marine planning regions'. The marine plan authority (the Secretary of State in England) is responsible for preparing...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Nature Conservation Byelaws

This dataset displays areas subject to an MMO marine nature conservation byelaw. MMO byelaws prohibit or restrict specified activities in order to protect Marine conservation zones and European...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Areas

MMO Marine Areas showing geographical areas of jurisdiction within the MMO internally. This dataset replaces MMO 'Regions' or 'Districts'.

Marine Management Organisation Legacy Marine Licences (Line)

This dataset contains the geographical extents of legacy FEPA licenses issued by either the Marine and Fisheries Agency (MFA) or its successor the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) up until 31st...

Marine Management Organisation Legacy Marine Licences (Polygon)

This dataset contains the geographical extents of legacy FEPA licenses issued by either the Marine and Fisheries Agency (MFA) or its successor the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) up until 31st...

Marine Management Organisation Legacy Marine Licences (Point)

This dataset contains the geographical extents of legacy FEPA licenses issued by either the Marine and Fisheries Agency (MFA) or its successor the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) up until 31st...

Marine Management Organisation Legacy Marine Consents (Polygon)

This dataset contains the geographical extents of legacy Coast Protection Act 1949 (CPA) consents issued by either the Marine and Fisheries Agency (MFA) or its successor the Marine Management...

Marine Management Organisation Legacy Marine Consents (Point)

This dataset contains the geographical extents of legacy Coast Protection Act 1949 (CPA) consents issued by either the Marine and Fisheries Agency (MFA) or its successor the Marine Management...

Marine Management Organisation Legacy Marine Consents (Line)

This dataset contains the geographical extents of legacy Coast Protection Act 1949 (CPA) consents issued by either the Marine and Fisheries Agency (MFA) or its successor the Marine Management...

Marine Planning Zones

Marine Planning Zones are defined in the Town and Country Planning (Marine Fish Farming) (Scotland) Order 2007. The Zones designate marine areas for which planning authorities discharge their...

Marine Licences

The records contain coordinate data associated with current marine licence applications in Wales. The location of disposal sites is also available. This data allows the locations of licence...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Plan Areas Web Mapping Service (WMS)

The 'Marine Plan Areas' are 10 sub-areas of the 'English inshore and offshore marine planning regions'. The marine plan authority (the Secretary of State in England) is responsible for preparing...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Plan Areas Web Feature Service (WFS)

The 'Marine Plan Areas' are 10 sub-areas of the 'English inshore and offshore marine planning regions'. The marine plan authority (the Secretary of State in England) is responsible for preparing...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Plan Areas Web Mapping Service (WMS)

The 'Marine Plan Areas' are 11 sub-areas of the 'English inshore and offshore marine planning regions'. The marine plan authority (the Secretary of State in England) is responsible for preparing...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Plan Areas Web Feature Service (WFS)

The 'Marine Plan Areas' are 11 sub-areas of the 'English inshore and offshore marine planning regions'. The marine plan authority (the Secretary of State in England) is responsible for preparing...

Notices to Mariners

Notices to mariners are issued as on official communication to advise mariners of long term changes to Aid to Navigation service provision in Scottish and Isle of Man waters

Historic Marine Protected Areas

Historic Marine Protected Areas Historic MPAs are designated under Section 67 of the Marine Scotland Act 2010 to protect marine historic assets (e.g historic shipwrecks) of national importance...

Historic Marine Protected Areas

Historic Marine Protected Areas Historic MPAs are designated under Section 67 of the Marine Scotland Act 2010 to protect marine historic assets (e.g historic shipwrecks) of national importance...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Nature Conservation Byelaws Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset displays areas subject to a Marine Management Organisation (MMO) marine nature conservation byelaw. MMO byelaws prohibit or restrict specified activities in order to protect Marine...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Nature Conservation Byelaws Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset displays areas subject to a Marine Management Organisation (MMO) marine nature conservation byelaw. MMO byelaws prohibit or restrict specified activities in order to protect Marine...