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1,527 results found

Northern Ireland Railways Platforms

A Northern Ireland Railways Platform is defined as a structure that provides, or originally provided, access for passengers to trains at a station or halt, or for loading onto or unloading goods...

Library issues

Weekly issues by library from January 2018.

Historical Performance Platform

The Performance Platform was a service provided by the Government Digital Service until March 15 2021. The historical archives will be available from March 18 via the National Archives Government...

Cross-Platform Media Tracker

The cross-platform media tracker, formerly called the media tracker, provides information on UK adults’ attitudes and opinions towards television and radio broadcasting, and related areas such as...

Blue Badges issued

Number of Blue Badges issues in Leicester City annually.The data will be updated quarterly.

2003, GDF Suez, Anglia A Platform Levelling, Platform Survey, BGS Reference Number GB03SS0002

An oil and gas industry site survey for a platform acquired in January 2003. The block number traversed was 48/19.

2014, ConocoPhillips, Judy Platform Undershoot UKCS 30/07a, Platform Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_50

An oil and gas industry platform site survey acquired between March and April 2014. The block number traversed was 30/7.

Library Issues by Collection

This Calderdale libraries dataset gives total issue numbers per collection. The data is broken down into financial year and is a total for all libraries.

GRAFFITI - Number of issues reported

GRAFFITI - Number of issues reported

Customer Centre Tickets issued - Parking

Customer Centre Tickets issued - Parking

Penalty Charge Notices issued per Bus Gate/Bus Lane issued monthly

This data highlights total number of Penalty Charge Notices issued per Bus Gate/Bus Lane each month.Please note - there is no income value given to each individual Bus Gate/Bus Lane because all...

Health, Safety and wellbeing actions issued

Health safety and wellbeing actions issued through a system called Safeguard . These actions are created and issued based on health and safety incidents, to highlight changes to internal...

CIO-DSAS Accreditation Certificates Issued List

List of accreditation certificates issued with details and date issued. Used to produce certificate number which is based on running number (Acc Team 7, serial , of CIO-DSAS Information Asset...

Litter fines issued by 3GS

A dataset which shows the Fixed Penalty Notices for littering issued by 3GS who are contracted by Leeds City Council. FPN's for littering issued by Council officers can be found...

GRAFFITI - Number of offensive issues reported

GRAFFITI - Number of offensive issues reported

STREET CLEANING - Number of issues reported

STREET CLEANING - Number of issues reported

Street Lighting - Number of issues reported

Street Lighting - Number of issues reported

LITTER BINS - Number of issues reported

LITTER BINS - Number of issues reported

DOG BINS - Number of issues reported

DOG BINS - Number of issues reported

FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported

FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported