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991 results found

Electronic Seeds Plant (ESP)

Plant Seed Certification on-line. Electronic data delivery for the seeds and plant breeding industry.

Seed Potatoes Export Data - 2013

This dataset provides information on the Seed Potatoes Exports in 2013. Seed potatoes are those intended for use as seeds for future crops rather than consumption. This dataset includes the...

Seed Potatoes Export Data - 2015

This dataset provides information on the Seed Potatoes Exports in 2015. Seed potatoes are those intended for use as seeds for future crops rather than consumption. This dataset includes the...

Seed Potatoes Export Data - 2011

This dataset provides information on the Seed Potatoes Exports in 2011. Seed potatoes are those intended for use as seeds for future crops rather than consumption. This dataset includes the...

Seed Potatoes Export Data - 2012

This dataset provides information on the Seed Potatoes Exports in 2012. Seed potatoes are those intended for use as seeds for future crops rather than consumption. This dataset includes the...

Seed Potatoes Export Data - 2014

This dataset provides information on the Seed Potatoes Exports in 2014. Seed potatoes are those intended for use as seeds for future crops rather than consumption. This dataset includes the...

The seed set of Eschscholzia californica plants introduced into habitats comprising different floral cover

This dataset contains seed counts of Eschscholzia californica plants introduced to form experimental arrays within habitats comprising different floral cover. Data was collected in June 2015 at the...

Response of seed germination to smoke water solutions in Cerrado plant species collected between 2013 and 2020

This dataset contains information about how seeds collected from Brazilian Cerrado plant species germinate in smoke water and control water solutions. Seeds were collected from site across the...

Scanning Electron Micrographs of seed and fruits of plant species from the Cerrado region collected between 2014 and 2020

This dataset contains single scanning electron microscopy images for fruits/seeds collected between 2014 and 2020 from fourteen plant species found in Brazilian Cerrado as an indication of seed...

Seed Information Database - SID

a compilation of seed biological trait data from the Millennium Seed Bank Projects own collections and from other published and unpublished sources.

The germination rates of seeds from Eschscholzia californica plants located within habitats comprising habitats with different floral cover

This dataset details the germination rates of seeds from Eschscholzia californica plants introduced to habitats comprising different floral cover. Data was collected in June 2015 at the Hillesden...

The seed set of supplemented and pollinator exposed flowers from Eschscholzia californica plants located within habitats comprising different floral cover

This dataset details the number of seeds produced by pollinator exposed and supplemented Eschscholzia californica plants introduced to habitats comprising different floral cover. Data was collected...

World Checklist of Selected Plant Families - WCSP

Taxonomic data on 155 families of seed plants including the accepted name. Geographical distribution and life form

Performance Dashboard Seed certification

This dashboard shows information about how the Seed certification service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The dashboard shows number of digital transactions, total cost of...

Impacts of Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) on seed dispersal services in Iberian Peninsula

This data set describes the seed dispersal process of both invaded (presence of Linepithema humile) and non-invaded (absence of L. humile) ant communities. Data were collected from four field sites...

Potato Cyst Nematode Sampling - Seed Potato Classification Scheme 2014

This dataset provides information on the Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) sampling for entry into the Seed Potato Classification Scheme (SPCS) during 2014. Seed Potatoes are those intended for use as...

Potato Cyst Nematode Sampling - Seed Potato Classification Scheme 2013

This dataset provides information on the Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) sampling for entry into the Seed Potato Classification Scheme (SPCS) during 2013. Seed Potatoes are those intended for use as...

Potato Cyst Nematode Sampling - Seed Potato Classification Scheme 2012

This dataset provides information on the Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) sampling for entry into the Seed Potato Classification Scheme (SPCS) during 2012. Seed Potatoes are those intended for use as...

Potato Cyst Nematode Sampling - Seed Potato Classification Scheme 2015

This dataset provides information on the Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) sampling for entry into the Seed Potato Classification Scheme (SPCS) during 2015. Seed Potatoes are those intended for use as...

Potato Cyst Nematode Sampling - Seed Potato Classification Scheme 2011

This dataset provides information on the Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) sampling for entry into the Seed Potato Classification Scheme (SPCS) during 2011. Seed Potatoes are those intended for use as...