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355 results found

Ward Street Cleaning - Mechanical

Details of the previous - before 1 August 2016, and proposed - after 1 August 2016, mechanical street cleaning schedules in the wards of York. For the manual schedules, please check [this other...

Joint Support Unit Northwood Mechanical Transport Tasks

The total number of Mechanical Transport tasks requested and carried out by Joint Support Unit (JSU) Northwood

Human Trafficking: National Referral Mechanism Statistics

The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) is a framework for identifying victims of human trafficking and ensuring they receive the appropriate protection and support. The NRM is also the mechanism...

Physiological variation in wild and lab-reared threespine sticklebacks from Icelandic geothermal and ambient sites

Data contain measurements of physiological variation in threespine stickleback from Icelandic populations. The data includes metabolic rates measured on individual stickleback fish across three...

Covid-19 - Patients at UHL on Mechanical Ventilation

Number of Covid-19 patients in mechanical ventilation bed at University Hospitals Leicester.  This includes data for both Leicester and Leicestershire residents and could also include those...

Yield and physiology data of two African crops exposed to varying ozone concentrations, grown in solardomes, UK, 2019

Data are presented from an ozone exposure experiment performed on two African crops. The crops (beans and sweet potato) were exposed to three different levels of ozone in the heated UK CEH Bangor...

Yield and physiology data of four African crops exposed to varying ozone concentrations, grown in solardomes, UK, 2018

Data are presented from an ozone exposure experiment performed on four African crops. The crops (Beans, Cowpeas, Amaranth and Sorghum) were exposed to three different levels of ozone and two heat...

Yield and physiology data of four African crops exposed to varying ozone concentrations, grown in solardomes, UK, 2017

Data are presented from an ozone exposure experiment performed on five African crops. The crops (Beans, cowpea, finger millet, pearl millet and wheat) were exposed to three different levels of...

Plant physiological measurements in North Wales and Northwest England (2013, 2014 and 2016)

The data consists of plant physiological measurements from 15 sites located in the Conwy catchment (North Wales) and from 2 sites in North West England. Plant photosynthetic parameters for the...

Injection Beamtime, mechanical data (NERC grant NE/M001458/1)

The mechanical data (confining and injection pressures) recorded during Vickers indentation experiments on samples of shale materials. These experiments were conducted on the I12 beamline, Diamond...

Creep rig mechanical data from an olivine bicrystal experiment (NERC Grant NE/M000060/1)

Mechanical datasets of a creep rig experiment which quantified grain boundary sliding in an olivine bicrystal sample. A single test was performed for 4 x 104 s at a maximum temperature of 1400 °C....

Double Torsion Beamtime, Mechanical Data (NERC grant NE/M001458/1)

The mechanical data (loads, displacements) recorded during double torsion experiments on samples of 6 shale materials and a sandstone. These experiments were conducted on the I12 beamline, Diamond...

2020, Glen Wheeler, The Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Coccolithus braarudii life cycle protein mass spectrometry

Coccolithophores are crucial for marine biogeochemical cycling. However, much of their physiology remains poorly understood, particularly their elusive haplo-diplontic life cycle. We aimed to...

2020, Glen Wheeler, The Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Coccolithus braarudii life cycle protein mass spectrometry

Coccolithophores are crucial for marine biogeochemical cycling. However, much of their physiology remains poorly understood, particularly their elusive haplo-diplontic life cycle. We aimed to...

Pacific oyster physiology data with different microalgal diets 2020-2022

72 adult Pacific oysters collected from Woolston bay in Southampton in October 2021 and fed one of three microalgal diets: Isochrysis galbana, Nannochloropsis gaditana/oculata, or an equal mix of...

Collection of data supporting PhD Thesis "Thermo-mechanical loading of intact rock and discontinuities" by J Woodman

Collection of data from the PhD Thesis "Thermo-mechanical loading of intact rock and discontinuities" by J Woodman. This collection of data includes raw logged .csv datafiles of uniaxial...

Laboratory experimental data on time-dependent rock deformation by the mechanism of brittle creep (NERC grant NE/G016909/1)

Laboratory experimental data on time-dependent rock deformation by the mechanism of brittle creep. The data was obtained from laboratory triaxial deformation experiments. The full dataset also...

Mechanical data and X-ray CT slices of quartz-monzonite samples deformed by high strain rate loading (NERC grant NE/M004716/1)

Data used for the peer-reviewed manuscript entitled 'Variation of hydraulic properties due to dynamic fracture damage: Implications for fault zones' by Aben, FM, Doan, M-L, and Mitchell, TM....

Mechanical data from laboratory shear failure experiments of fluid saturated Westerly granite (NERC Grant NE/S000852/1)

Data recorded during triaxial rock deformation experiments of Westerly granite in the presence of pressurised pore fluids (water). Data consists of mechanical data (load, displacement, confining...

Growth and physiological measurements of Leontodon hispidus and Succisa pratensis after ozone exposure and elevated nitrogen input from an ozone field release system, North Wales, 2016-2018

The data presented are growth and physiological measurements from an ozone exposure experiment, during which grassland forbs, Leontodon hispidus and Succisa pratensis were exposed to low, medium...