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59 results found

Phosphate and phosphite adsorption data on ferrihydrite precipitates

The data show the efficiency of phosphate and phosphite adsorption onto ferrihydrite precipitates that were generated in artificial seawater solutions in the laboratory. The experiments were...

Phosphite and phosphate adsorption fractions on experimental iron oxides in natural banded iron formations

The data include measurements of adsorption experiments, where the adsorption fraction of phosphite and phosphate on experimentally-prepared ferric iron oxides were measured. The amounts of...

L chondrite meteorite phosphate microscopy and U-Pb analyses (NERC Grant NE/L002507/1)

Microscopy (Scanning Electron Microscopy, Cathodoluminescence Imaging) and U-Pb isotopic (Secondary Ionisation Mass Spectrometry) analyses of phosphate minerals in a suite of nine L chondrite...

Historic GQA Headline Indicators of Water Courses - Nutrients - phosphate GQA grades 2009 (England)

GQA Headline Indicators of Water Courses - Nutrients - phosphate GQA grades 2009 (England)'. The General Quality Assessment Headline Indicator scheme (GQAHI) was the Environment Agency's national...

Historic GQA Headline Indicators of Water Courses - Nutrients - phosphate GQA grades 2010 (Wales)

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA163.4 'Historic GQA Headline Indicators of Water Courses - Nutrients - phosphate GQA grades 2010 (Wales)'. The General Quality Assessment Headline...

Stable isotope data from cave water from Cueva Llanio, Cantabria, Northern Spain and global speleothem calcite phosphate oxygen isotope data

Cave drip water, pool water and PO4 (phosphate) dosing experiments from Cueva Llanio, Cantabria, N. Spain and cave speleothem carbonate from global cave systems. The data set includes stable oxygen...

U-Pb isotopic data for Chelyabinsk meteorite phosphates (NERC Grant NE/L002507/1)

U-Pb isotope ratio data set for numerous phosphate (apatite) grains in two thin section samples of the LL5 S4-6 Chelyabinsk meteorite. One section is of the S4-6 light lithology, and another of the...

Phosphate-oxygen stable isotope data from sediment core (LG3A), from Rutland Water Nature Reserve, UK

The data set includes stable oxygen isotope data measured on the non-labile (HCl-extractable) phosphorus fraction (δ18O-PO4), extracted from each 1 cm layer of sediment core. This sediment core...

North Sea Nutrient Analysis

This data gives the concentration of nutrients in sea water samples from the water column and from sediments (pore-water) taken in the North Sea. Includes measurements for Nitrate (NO3) Nitrite...

North Sea Nutrient Analysis

This data gives the concentration of nutrients in sea water samples from the water column and from sediments (pore-water) taken in the North Sea. Includes measurements for Nitrate (NO3) Nitrite...

Composition of starting materials, conditions under which those materials were heated to metamorphic temperatures and analytical results, including mineralogy and phosphorus speciation

The dataset includes results from laboratory experiments aiming to explore the reduction and polymerization potential of phosphorus under metamorphic conditions. Table 1 shows the initial...

Historic GQA Headline Indicators of Water Courses - Nutrients - NITRATE GQA GRADES 2009 (ENGLAND)

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA163.1 'Historic GQA Headline Indicators of Water Courses - Nutrients - nitrate GQA grades 2009 (England)'. The General Quality Assessment Headline...

Historic GQA Headline Indicators of Water Courses - Nutrients - nitrate GQA grades 2010 (Wales)

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA163.2 'Historic GQA Headline Indicators of Water Courses - Nutrients - nitrate GQA grades 2010 (Wales)'. The General Quality Assessment Headline...

Nutrient data for autumn 2018 and spring 2019 in the Celtic Sea

Nutrient concentration data collected on the RV Cefas Endeavour as part of CEND17_18, CEND03_19 and CEND04_19, including concentrations of nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, phosphate and silicate....

Nutrient data for autumn 2018 and spring 2019 in the Celtic Sea

Nutrient concentration data collected on the RV Cefas Endeavour as part of CEND17_18, CEND03_19 and CEND04_19, including concentrations of nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, phosphate and silicate....

Zeta potential measurements of rare earth element enriched apatite (NERC grant NE/M011429/1)

Zeta potential measurements of rare earth element enriched apatite from Jacupiranga, Brazil under water and collector conditions. Zeta potential measurements can be used to indicate the surface...

Palaeobiology and phosphorites of the Ediacaran Biskopas Formation: optical microscopy and SEM-BSE-EDS data (NERC grant NE/I005951/1)

The dataset documents microfossils (acanthomorphic acritarchs) and sedimentary structures within phosphorite pebbles and interstitial carbonate cements from the Ediacaran Biskopas and Biri...

Invertebrate herbivory data across a natural soil temperature gradient in Iceland from May-July 2017

This is a dataset of environmental data, vegetation cover, and community- and species-level invertebrate herbivory, sampled at 14 experimental soil plots in the Hengill geothermal valley, Iceland,...

Water chemistry from the Red River Delta, Vietnam, 2018 to 2020

The dataset contains physical, chemical and biological measurements from the waters of 21 river sites across the Red River Delta in northern Vietnam. The data were collected monthly between...

Physical and chemical properties of seawater for the North Sea, in each month of 1976

Series of 12 cruises carried out by Cefas in 1976 on board RV Corella and RV Clione, resampling a grid of fixed stations every month throughout 1976. Data provided: date; station number; time;...