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        225 results found

        Sight loss data tool

        Statistics on loss of sight and blindness at county and district levels including projections

        Registered Blind and Partially Sighted Persons, Scotland

        New registrations and people currently registered as blind or partially sighted, by age, gender and disabilities. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language:...

        People Registered as Blind and Partially Sighted

        Contains detailed statistics on adults and children registered, with councils with social services responsibilities in England, as being blind or partially sighted. The data are compiled from the...

        2009-2013 David Fenwick Cornwall Ad-hoc Rockpooling Sightings

        A collection of ad hoc rockpool sightings.

        2009-2013 David Fenwick Cornwall Ad-hoc Rockpooling Sightings

        A collection of ad hoc rockpool sightings.

        2015 Bunker, F. Sound of Barra Grateloupia turuturu sighting

        An ad-hoc sighting of the non-native seaweed Grateloupia turuturu reported on Twitter

        2015 Bunker, F. Sound of Barra Grateloupia turuturu sighting

        An ad-hoc sighting of the non-native seaweed Grateloupia turuturu reported on Twitter

        2006 Tom Kennedy, Portland Harbour Dorset, Snorkel sightings

        Sightings made by Tom Kennedy whilst snorkelling in Portland harbour (2 separate occasions). 1. Snorkel sightings from outfall pipe within 100m of Portland Castle in Portland Harbour. Snorkel...

        2006 Tom Kennedy, Portland Harbour Dorset, Snorkel sightings

        Sightings made by Tom Kennedy whilst snorkelling in Portland harbour (2 separate occasions). 1. Snorkel sightings from outfall pipe within 100m of Portland Castle in Portland Harbour. Snorkel...

        2006-2016 Roger Herbert South Coast Non-Native Species Sightings

        A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Roger Herbert. The species listed are Ficopomatus enigmaticus, Crepidula fornicata, Styela clava, Undaria pinnatifida, Sargassum muticum and...

        2006-2016 Roger Herbert South Coast Non-Native Species Sightings

        A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Roger Herbert. The species listed are Ficopomatus enigmaticus, Crepidula fornicata, Styela clava, Undaria pinnatifida, Sargassum muticum and...

        2011-15 David Fenwick Marazion, Cornwall ad-hoc sightings of stauromedusae

        Ad-hoc sightings of stauromedusae recorded by David Fenwick from the area around Marazion, Cornwall.

        General Ophthalmic Services: Activity Statistics for England - Sight Tests

        This dataset shows information about NHS ophthalmic activity provided through General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) in England. This dataset relates to sight tests. From March 2015 this dataset has...

        2009 Purbeck Marine Wildlife Reserve, Kimmeridge Dorset, Marine Wildlife Recordings and Sightings

        Sightings and recordings made by staff of and visitors to the Purbeck Marine Wildlife Reserve. Details taken from the marine recording logs from the reserve centre. Where divers and walkers have...

        2009 Purbeck Marine Wildlife Reserve, Kimmeridge Dorset, Marine Wildlife Recordings and Sightings

        Sightings and recordings made by staff of and visitors to the Purbeck Marine Wildlife Reserve. Details taken from the marine recording logs from the reserve centre. Where divers and walkers have...

        2005 - 2006 Purbeck Marine Wildlife Reserve, Kimmeridge Dorset, Marine Wildlife Recordings and Sightings

        Sightings and recordings made by staff of and visitors to the Purbeck Marine Wildlife Reserve. Details taken from the marine recording logs from the reserve centre. Where divers and walkers have...

        2005 - 2006 Purbeck Marine Wildlife Reserve, Kimmeridge Dorset, Marine Wildlife Recordings and Sightings

        Sightings and recordings made by staff of and visitors to the Purbeck Marine Wildlife Reserve. Details taken from the marine recording logs from the reserve centre. Where divers and walkers have...

        2021 Masski Hicham, Van Den berg Annemarie and Hoekendijk Jeroen Moroccan waters Eschrichtius robustus sighting

        This ad hoc sighting of a Gray whale is the third ever record within Moroccan waters. The whale species identified in Moroccan waters (Masski and De Stephanis 2015) differ from the Gray whale, so...

        2021 Masski Hicham, Van Den berg Annemarie and Hoekendijk Jeroen Moroccan waters Eschrichtius robustus sighting

        This ad hoc sighting of a Gray whale is the third ever record within Moroccan waters. The whale species identified in Moroccan waters (Masski and De Stephanis 2015) differ from the Gray whale, so...

        International Space Station Sighting Expected London

        This dataset contains a rolling of calendar of when the ISS (International Space Station) should be visible over London.