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Price Paid Data

HM Land Registry’s Price Paid Data records and tracks property sales in England and Wales as submitted to HM Land Registry for registration. The dataset contains single residential properties sold...

Archived Price Paid Data: 1995 to 2017

HM Land Registry Price Paid Data tracks land and property sales in England and Wales submitted to us for registration.

Grants paid to organisations

Grants paid to businesses, town and parish councils, voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations.

24+ Advanced Learning Loans paid in England

Presents statistics on 24+ Advanced Learning Loans taken out by Further Education learners. The learners are UK or EU domiciles studying at a Learning Provider in England. Source agency: Student...

Rushmoor Invoices Paid on Time

Percentage of undisputed invoices paid within 30 days.

Invoices paid data

All invoices paid including supplier information, cost type and cost area. Amount is inclusive of VAT where this is not recoverable by the Trust.

2011 Census Key Stats & Quick Stats For Camden - 1st Analysis

First analysis of 2011 Census Key Statistics and Quick Statistics data release for Camden.

2011 Census Key Stats & Quick Stats For Camden - 1st Analysis

First analysis of findings from 2011 Census Key Statistics and Quick Statistics tables

Interest paid net or gross of tax on individual's bank and building society accounts database (S17)

The dataset holds interest paid net or gross of tax on individual's bank and building society accounts. Updated: annually.

Interest paid net or gross of tax on individual's bank and building society accounts database (S17)

The dataset holds interest paid net or gross of tax on individual's bank and building society accounts. Updated: annually.

Invoices paid within 30 days

The percentage of invoices paid within 30 days. 'Potential charges' are indicative only; e.g. if the supplier were to pursue their statutory right to claim interest and other compensation recovery...

Invoices paid within 30 days

The percentage of invoices paid within 30 days. 'Potential charges' are indicative only; e.g. if the supplier were to pursue their statutory right to claim interest and other compensation recovery...

Clean Air Zone - Grants and Loans paid

This data set shows the grant funding provided to businesses to support them in modifying or replacing vehicles in order to meet emissions standards for the Leeds Clean Air Zone.

Proportion of adults with a learning disability in paid employment

Proportion of adults with a learning disability in paid employment

Members Travel (paid for by CYC – separate to allowances)

Members Travel (paid for by CYC – separate to allowances) – Individual journeys from April 2013 onwards These allowances and expenses are paid direct to Members on a monthly basis. Details of...

Emergency Service Gazetteer

OS Emergency Services Gazetteer product provides a national, consistent, and maintained view of the locations and names of places and objects. This enables quick and accurate gazetteer searches and...

Interest paid (£) to suppliers due to late payment of invoices

Interest paid (£) to suppliers due to late payment of invoices. This data along with the [__interest liable (£) to suppliers due to late payment of...

VOA prices paid on sale or transfer of properties

SDLT data from HMRC and HM Land Registry to gather evidence of value of property. Updated: regularly

VOA prices paid on sale or transfer of properties

SDLT data from HMRC and HM Land Registry to gather evidence of value of property. Updated: regularly

Number and proportion of employee jobs paid under the living wage

2014 data produced by the ONS