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Community Uses

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Community Uses and was part of the Adopted Local Plan (1996-2005)


Town Centre Use Classes in Dacorum Borough Council

Land use

Data showing the land use statistics of previously-developed land in Plymouth.


This is a polygon dataset that shows Community Uses as allocated in the adopted 2005 Local Plan.

Business Uses

This is a polygon dataset used to identify business areas and was part of the Adopted Local Plan (1996-2005)

Time Use

Provides a measure the amount of time spent by the UK population on various activities. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Retail Use Allocation

Sites allocated for increased retailing use or for redevelopment for retail use.

Land use statistics (Generalised Land Use Database)

A classification has been developed which allocates all identifiable land features on Ordnance Survey MasterMap into nine simplified land categories and an additional 'unclassified' category. These...

Pool metrocard use

Data set to show the use of Leeds City Council staff using pool Metro cards for work travel.

Mixed Use Development

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Mixed Use Development and was part of the Adopted Local Plan (1996-2005)


residential_institutional_uses Polygon dataset indicating geographic location of designated Residential Institutional Uses in the Tendring District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be...


tourism_leisure_uses Polygon dataset indicating geographic location of designated areas for Tourism/Leisure Use within the Tendring District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed...

Mixed Use Allocations

Mixed Use Allocations

Town Centre Uses

Town Centre Uses in the Borough of Wellingborough

Historic Land Use

Past land use which may have given rise to land contamination

Employment Generating Uses

Allocations within the Allocations Plan for new or intensification of employment generating uses.

Town Centre Uses

Town Centre Uses defined by Primary and Secondary classification as identified in Adopted Local Plan 2012-2031

Mixed Use Sites

Mixed Use Sites as part of the Local Plan for North Hertfordshire District Council adopted in November 2022.


Multiple layers of land use information from ordnance survey within the upper Thames catchment. These files comprise lake region, river lines, surface water area, urban region, surface water line...

Police use of Taser

Police use of Taser statistics for England and Wales, by force, including a breakdown by type of use Source agency: Home Office Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...