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        893 results found

        Committee Minutes

        Archive of committee minutes for Colchester Borough

        Committee Minutes

        Archive of committee minutes for Colchester Borough

        London Assembly Committee Members

        List of which London Assembly Members sit on each of the Assembly committees [London Assembly committees]( "London Assembly committees")

        Area Committee Boundaries

        Area Committee boundaries following May 2019 elections and ward boundary changes.

        WCC Committee Meetings

        Includes details of the committee, the type of meeting, the location and the date.

        Committee Membership 2021/22

        Register of current committee membership

        Cabinet Committee membership lists November 2012

        Membership of Cabinet Committees and sub-Committees as of November 2012. Includes terms of reference of Committees and is available in Word format on the Cabinet Office website.

        Organic Statistics Database

        The Organics Statistics (Access) database holds information on organic operators in the UK including the names and addresses of producers, processors, importers and statistical information relating...

        Organic Statistics Notice, England

        Provides information on fully organic land, land in-conversion to organic, the numbers of producers and processors / importers registered with the Organic Certification Bodies, the number of...

        Board and Executive Committee expenses

        Board and Executive Committee expenses

        Bristol City Council Committee Meetings

        Bristol City Council committee meetings.

        Pesticides Residues Committee

        The Pesticides Residues Committee dataset holds results from the Pesticides Residue Surveillance Programme. This programme analyses about 4000 food samples each year for a wide range of...

        Highland Council Area Committee Areas

        The geogrpahical areas covered by each Area Committee in the Highland Council area.

        Organic Statistics Notice, UK

        Presents information on organic land, land in conversion to organic, the numbers of producers and processors/importers and the number of livestock/producers in the UK. Source agency: Environment,...

        Organic Farming Scheme Options (England)

        Organic Farming Scheme Options points. The aim of the OFS is to encourage the expansion of organic production. Under the scheme, farmers moving from conventional to organic farming methods receive...

        Organic Farming Scheme Agreements (England)

        Organic Farming Scheme agreements holding boundaries data. The aim of the OFS is to encourage the expansion of organic production. Under the scheme, farmers moving from conventional to organic...

        Consumer Prices Advisory Committee papers

        Papers and a summary note from the Consumer Prices Advisory Committee meeting. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Supporting material Language: English Alternative...

        Organic Import Authorisation Database

        To record applications to import organic produce from third countries

        Joint Nature Conservation Committee sponsorship - appointments

        Personal information in relation to public appointments and to the appointment of the chief exeutive of Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC).

        Ward Committee Approved Funding

        These are the local improvement schemes and grant projects funded through Ward Committee funding. The data in 2020/2021 are the schemes that have been approved for ward funding to date. All...