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One Way Streets

One way streets in the City of Nottingham.

One Way Streets

one way streets

Organogram and staff data for ONE

A list of most Senior Civil Service posts in the One North East including title, contact details, their line manager, and where disclosed, the name of the officer. Vacant posts are listed as...

One North East Prompt Payment Data

One North East Prompt Payment Data

One North East Financial Transparency Report

One North East Financial Transparency Report

One-in, one-out: statement of new regulation

Underlying data for the publication of One-in, One-out: Statement of New Regulation [URN 11/P96A + 11/P96B + 12/P96A]

Rights Of Way

Public Rights Of Way

Business Look Up Table (ONS)

Data compiled from the Office of National Statistics matching VAT no, PAYE and Company references

Public Rights of Way

Public Rights of WayPublic Rights of Way by classification with Ref. Number

Public Rights of Way

Rights of Way network for Oxfordshire

Public Rights of Way

This data contains information for definitive Public Rights of Way: this being a digital representation of the information in the Definitive Map and Statement which is the Council's legal register...

Public Rights of Way

Contains linear records of all public footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic, in Devon

Public Rights of Way

The Digitised Public Rights of Way data layer shows the locations of registered public rights of way in Nottinghamshire. It is derived from the paper sources that comprise the Definitive Map and...

Public Rights of Way

Rights of way network for Worcestershire.

Surrey Rights of Way

Public rights of Way within Surrey

Public Rights of Way

“Public Rights of Way in the Metropolitan Borough of Calderdale, including public footpaths, public bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic (BOATs).” **Advice on use of...

Public Rights of Way

This is a copy of the Public Rights of Way data maintained by Powys County Council. Please note that this information is a digitised version of public rights of way on the Definitive Map for...

Public Rights of Way

Dataset shows recorded public rights of way in staffordshire

Public Rights of Way

Public Rights of Way network, including footpaths, bridleways. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the National and/ or Authority datasets. Contains...

Public Rights of Way

Public Rights of Way in Luton