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4 results found

Qualitative data on land use change and ecosystem services from participatory surveys in northeastern, Kenya (August-October, 2013)

The data comprises of two datasets. The first consists of text files of anonymised transcripts from focus group discussions (FGDs) on livelihood activities, ecosystem services and the prevalent...

Broadscale mapping of sublittoral habitats in the Sound of Barra: north east of Barra

This map covers the area in the south of The Sound of Barra, at the northeastern corner of Barra (from Traigh Mhor to near Loch Obe). The Sound of Barra has been selected as a possible Special Area...

Community antimicrobial resistance genes and concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metals in NE England soils (2016)

The dataset collates the relative concentration of nearly 300 antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes, and concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and potentially toxic elements (PTE;...

Moment release and associated volume change from a collection of injection- and intrusion-induced seismicity cases (NERC Grant NE/R018006/1)

"This data was compiled for the paper "Self-similarity of seismic moment release to volume change scaling for volcanoes: a comparison with injection-induced seismicity", that has been accepted for...