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Amino acid compositions of aragonite samples precipitated from seawater, using a pH stat titrator using the constant composition technique between September 2021 and December 2022. Samples were...
Amino acid compositions of coral skeletons from 4 massive Porites spp. genotypes (G4, G5, G6, G7) cultured in an aquarium at seawater pCO2 of 180, 260, 400 and 750 µatm and at seawater temperature...
The concentration of both L and D amino acid isomers was determined by HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatography) for multiple amino acids. 30 samples of proboscidean enamel were taken from the...
Amine atmospheric chemistry kinetic mechanism and related Gaussian 09 electronic structure outputs. A text document with a chemical kinetic reaction mechanism appropriate for the atmospheric...
Aragonite precipitations rates of precipitations from seawater, using a pH stat titrator using the constant composition technique between September 2021 and December 2022. Aragonite precipitation...
Strontium/calcium, magnesium/calcium, lithium/calcium and boron/calcium ratios of 107 aragonite samples precipitated in vitro using a pH stat titrator using the constant composition technique...
This data consist of measurements on soil microbial enzyme activity of six hydrolytic enzymes and related soil measurements from the experimental field sites at Clocaenog forest and Peaknaze....
The data consist of nitrogen gene data, soil biodiversity indices and microbial community composition for three soil depths (0-15, 15-30 and 30-60 cm) from a winter wheat field experiment located...
[This dataset is embargoed until December 31, 2025]. The data set was generated at the University of Birmingham Free Air CO2 Enrichment (BIFoR-FACE) facility where the responses of nutrient...
The data nitrogen gene data, soil biodiversity indices and microbial community composition, for three soil depths (0-15, 15-30 and 30-60 cm) from a three-cut silage plot trial located at three...
The data consist of soil physicochemical and biological data for three soil depths (0-15, 15-30 and 30-60 cm) from a three-cut silage plot trial located at three grassland sites within the UK...
Data produced from NERC Grant NE/J008745/1. Grant Abstract: Iron sulfides are widespread in the environment, where they regulate and control the global geochemical iron and sulfur cycles. However,...