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Domestic Abuse data

This data was collected to support the HMIC report "Everyone’s business: Improving the police response to domestic abuse".

Domestic Abuse Recorded by the Police in Scotland

Characteristics of victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse incidents, reported to the police at a police force and Scotland level. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

Domestic abuse in England and Wales

A report bringing together statistics to enable more thorough analysis of how domestic abuse is dealt with at the local level within England and Wales. Including data from the Crime Survey for...

Domestic Abuse Incidents and Crimes Recorded by the Police in Northern Ireland

The PSNI produces statistics on the number of domestic abuse incidents and crimes recorded by the police in Northern Ireland. Statistics are published on a financial year basis and a comparable...

Abuse of Vulnerable Adults in England

This report contains information on alerts and referrals to adult social care safeguarding teams in England derived from the Abuse of Vulnerable Adults (AVA) data collection. It presents a variety...

Number of Reports of Domestic Abuse Incidents reported to NYP (York only)

Number of Reports of Domestic Abuse Incidents reported to NYP (York only)

Employment in the hi-tech community: Cambridgeshire & Peterborough 2012

The Research Group holds a database of employment and businesses in the hi-tech community. It is based on a survey, by both post and telephone, of over 1,500 businesses, agencies and research...

Employment in the hi-tech community: Cambridgeshire & Peterborough 2012

The Research Group holds a database of employment and businesses in the hi-tech community. It is based on a survey, by both post and telephone, of over 1,500 businesses, agencies and research...

Datasets from Financial Abuse of Older People in Northern Ireland: The Unsettling Truth

Data generated from interviews about Financial Abuse, with 1,025 older people aged 60 or over, in the respondents home between 27th January and 2nd March 2016. The survey asked 50+ questions, of...

BacsIPActive run by FundTech

Bacs payment transfer system for making payments to suppliers.

Non-NHS Organisations

Non-NHS Organisations Contains: Independent Providers: Registered and Non-Registered Non-NHS Organisations in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Channel Islands, including...

Non-confidential waste

Non-confidential council waste. Shows card and general waste by month and year. Data is listed by directorate, council building and bin type. PLEASE NOTE ----------- Weight is in tonnes

Non-domestic rates credits

National non-domestic rate credits

Non-UK born workers

This release contains findings on the skill level of jobs held by workers who are not born in the UK. There will also be information on the changes in the number of non-UK born workers in the UK...

Non-Food Crop Areas

Experimental statistics on UK-grown non-food crops. Primarily focussed on areas, with additional information for some crops on yields, production and values. Source agency: Environment, Food and...

DIU Non Operational Schedule

Shows details of all non-operational deaths – held on excel spreadsheet.

Labour Force Survey Non-response

The article discussed LFS non-response. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: LFS Non-response

Non Freezing Cold Injury

A database of all recruits seen at ARTD with non freezing cold injuries.

EA Non-native species survey

Invasive non-native species surveyed and collected during the Environment Agency (EA)monitoring activities including location and date of survey. Primarily aquatic and riparian species. Any...

Species Surveys - Non-Native Species

Invasive non-native species surveyed and collected during the Environment Agency (EA)monitoring activities including location and date of survey. Primarily aquatic and riparian species. Any...