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18,941 results found

Gridded model estimates of nitrate-N stored in the vadose (unsaturated) zone at the global scale from 1900 to 2000

Gridded model estimates of nitrate-N stored in the vadose (unsaturated) zone. This dataset presents annual gridded estimates of nitrate stored in the vadose zone for 1900 - 2000 on a 0.5 degree...

Nitrogen deposition in the UK at 1km resolution, 1990-2017

This dataset contains total nitrogen (N) deposition at a 1km x 1km resolution in the UK, annually from 1990 to 2017. N deposition is presented as reduced N (NHx) and oxidised N (NOy), both of which...


Probation supervision and court reports.

N-alkanoic acid hydrogen isotope composition and biomarker concentration of sediments from Lake Suigetsu, Japan (132,700 to 125,200 cal BP)

[This dataset is embargoed until July 1, 2025]. This dataset contains information about the compound-specific stable hydrogen isotope composition (δ2H) of n-alkanoic acids with 26, 28 and 30 carbon...

Topsoil mineralisable nitrogen (mineral-N) data 2007 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of measures of topsoil mineralisable nitrogen (Mineral-N) from soils sampled from up to 256 1km squares across Great Britain in 2007. The Countryside Survey is a unique study...

Nitrogen isotopic composition of microbial biomass grown in the laboratory under N2-fixing conditions

Nitrogen isotopic composition of microbial biomass grown in the laboratory under N2-fixing conditions. Also included are meta-data that describe the experimental conditions. The conditions were...

Impacts of the Calbuco eruption, Chile (NERC grant NE/N007271/1)

Volcanic ash samples were collected and analysed following the 2015 eruption of Calbuco volcano, Chile. Datasets uploaded are: Calbuco2015 Probe Data - excel Calbuco2015 Locations and Grain Size –...

Eredar measurements of Halema'uma'u lava lake level (NERC Grant NE/N009312/1)

Surface level measurements of the Halema'uma'u lava lake, Hawaii. Surface level was measured from a site at the crater rim (19.40452 N 155.27944 W 1125 M a.s.l) using the Eredar radar system, a...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1655, DWR N South West Varne, (08/08/2019 to 12/08/2019)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1655; DWR N South West...

Greenhouse gas emissions, nitrogen use efficiency and biomass from inorganic fertiliser additions to grassland at North Wyke and Henfaes, UK (2016)

The data consists of nitrogen (N) offtake, N emissions and soil N parameters, and herbage quality parameters from a three-cut silage plot trial located at two grassland sites within the UK...

Diatom silica oxygen isotope and n-alkanoic acid hydrogen isotope composition of sediments from Lake Suigetsu, Japan (22,000 to 10,000 cal BP)

This dataset contains information about the stable oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) of bulk diatom silica, and the compound-specific stable hydrogen isotope composition (δ2H) of n-alkanoic acids...


The fundamental aim of Green Belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open; the essential characteristics of Green Belts are their openness and their permanence. Green...

Greenhouse gas emissions, nitrogen use efficiency and biomass from digestate experiments on winter wheat at North Wyke and Henfaes, UK (2017)

The data contains nitrogen (N) offtake, N emissions (ammonia and nitrous oxide), soil parameters (pH, EC, NH4+, NO3−), biomass and grain production from a winter wheat field experiment located at...

Discharge and water chemistry measurements from Tarland Burn at Coull (Scotland) (2000-2010)

Mean daily flow and water chemistry data collected from the Tarland Burn, recorded between 2000-2010. Water chemistry determinands measured include: total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), soluble...

Gridded estimates of Ellenberg N, R, F, and L indicators for Great Britain, 1990 and 2015-2019

This information product contains gridded estimates of Ellenberg vegetation indicator scores for four different indicators: fertility (N); pH/reactivity (R); light availability (L) and moisture (F)...

Channel cross-sections for the CEH River Lambourn Observatory at Boxford

This dataset contains channel cross-sections for the River Lambourn and Westbrook Channel at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) River Lambourn Observatory at Boxford, Berkshire. The CEH...

Land Cover Map 2015 (vector, N. Ireland)

This dataset consists of the vector version of the Land Cover Map 2015 (LCM2015) for Northern Ireland. The vector data set is the core LCM data set from which the full range of other LCM2015...

Bulk sediment stable isotope data from various deep sea drilling sites, Miocene to Recent (NERC grant NE/N001621/1)

Data derived from NERC Grant NE/N001621/1. Geographical Area - DSDP/ODP/IODP Sites 516, 1138, 925, 242, 1338, 871, 872

Land Cover Map 1990 (vector, N. Ireland)

This dataset consists of the vector version of the Land Cover Map 1990 (LCM1990) for Northern Ireland. The vector data set is the core LCM data set from which the full range of other LCM1990...

Deaths at slaughterhouses

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains the number of slaughterhouse deaths by age at death, birth month, sex and premises type Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency