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51 results found

Invertebrates identified in pitfall traps within diesel exhaust and ozone fumigation rings, Sonning, UK, 2018-2019

The dataset contains abundances of invertebrates collected from pitfall traps within eight field-based diesel exhaust and ozone fumigation rings located at the University of Reading’s Sonning Farm,...

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Oxyfuel and exhaust gas recirculation processes in gas turbine combustion for improved carbon capture performance

Conventional power generation in the UK faces a significant challenge in the face of decarbonising and maintaining a reliable, secure and cost effective electricity supply. The requirement for...

Parasitoid abundance, aphid population mass and glucosinolate concentration from experimental ozone and diesel exhaust fumigation of Brassica napus

These datasets contain aphid/parasitoid abundances and glucosinolate concentrations associated with Brassica napus plants within eight field-based diesel exhaust and ozone fumigation rings located...

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project final report: Oxyfuel and exhaust gas recirculation processes in gas turbine combustion for improved carbon capture performance

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Oxyfuel and exhaust gas recirculation processes in gas turbine combustion for improved carbon capture performance was presented at the CSLF Call project...


Property assets owned by public bodies within South Gloucestershire. compiled for Total Place project. Not an exhaustive list of all assets.


An area where the air quality has been assessed and the levels of nitrogen dioxide, a pollutant that occurs from vehicle exhaust emissions, exceed the National Air Quality Objective.

UKCCSRC Call 1 project data: Atmospheric burner tests 2014

Atmospheric Burner Tests With Oxygen, Nitrogen And Carbon Dioxide. Excel File. Testing undertaken May / June 2014. Data used is detailed in report: Oxyfuel And Exhaust Gas Recirculation Processes...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project data: HPCR Oxyfuel Testing with CO2 Aug 2014

Pressurised Large Scale Generic Burner Tests With Oxygen, Air And Carbon Dioxide. Excel File. Testing Undertaken August 2014. Data Used Is Detailed In Report: Oxyfuel And Exhaust Gas Recirculation...

NHS England, NHS Choices, Provider Quality Indicators

NHS Choices publishes data that enables members of the public to find the most relevant health provider based on a broad range of criteria, including non-exhaustively: 1) type of provider 2)...

East Riding of Yorkshire Previously Developed Landv1

This data was initially prepared as part of the National Land Use Database - PDL project. It represents known brownfield land (or previously developed land) at that time which had the potential to...

Apprenticeship Statistics for London

This page presents analysis and data related to skills and employment in London Note on data sources and interpretation: * The analysis is not intended to be comprehensive or exhaustive. It...

Local Air Quality Management

This is a zone where levels of pollutant, in this case nitrogen dioxide, are higher than the recommended government objectives and people will be regularly exposed to the levels. For example,...

GLA Economics Labour Market Analysis

**Analysis of the labour market covering the latest developments.** _When using outputs from this analysis you should be aware of the following caveats:_ •_The analysis is not intended to be...

Low Emission Bus Zones

Low Emission Bus Zones use buses with top-of-the-range engines and exhaust systems that meet or exceed the highest Euro VI emissions standards. The zones have been prioritised in the worst air...

UK trade quotas

This dataset shows the quotas available in the UK Tariff along with their current or final balances, updated daily. It lists each quota period for each six-digit quota order number with the...

Traditional Orchards HAP (England)

This spatial dataset describes the geographic extent and location of the UK Biodiversity Action Plan traditional orchard priority habitat in England. The data is provided as "provisional" because...

Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems (England only)

Location of Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems (GWDTEs) in England assessed by the Environment Agency for the second River Basin cycle of the EU Water Framework Directive. Based on SSSI...

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Spend Over £250 - Financial Year 2011 to 2012

We have published items of spending over £500 since April 2010 and items of spending over £250 from June 2012.The list includes payments for:Goods and servicesGrants to third party providers and...

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Spend Over £250 - Financial Year 2012 to 2013

We have published items of spending over £500 since April 2010 and items of spending over £250 from June 2012.The list includes payments for:Goods and servicesGrants to third party providers and...

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Spend Over £250 - Financial year 2010 to 2011

We have published items of spending over £500 since April 2010 and items of spending over £250 from June 2012.The list includes payments for:Goods and servicesGrants to third party providers and...