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81 results found

Equality Impact Assessment for London Multiply Programme

Multiply is a £559 million investment by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) to deliver bespoke adult numeracy programmes over the next three years (ending March 2025). The GLA has been allocated...

Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland

The tables provide a complete picture of the flows of goods and services in the economy for a given year. They detail the relationship between producers and consumers and the interdependencies of...

Business Rates - Rateable Value

Business Rates - Rateable Value Business rates are charged on most non-domestic properties like shops, offices, pubs, warehouses, factories, holiday rental homes or guest houses. ...

Trade Union Time

In line with the transparency code: Total number (absolute number and full time equivalent) of staff who are union representatives (including general, learning and health and safety...

Input indicator: local authority funding from government grant

This indicator is the reported local authority income from central government grants as a percentage of Revenue Expenditure, using the relevant lines from Revenue Summary returns. #### How the...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2012 Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km2 grid resolution. For 2012, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2012

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km² grid resolution. For 2012, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2012 Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km2 grid resolution. For 2012, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2011 Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km2 grid resolution. For 2011, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2011 Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km2 grid resolution. For 2011, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2011

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km² grid resolution. For 2011, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

Fishing Activity for UK Vessels 15m and over 2011 Web Feature Service (WFS)

This data set provides summaries of fishing activity for UK commercial fishing vessels of 15m and over in length that are deemed to have been fishing within a specified calendar year. These...

Fishing Activity for UK Vessels 15m and over 2011 Web mapping Service (WMS)

This data set provides summaries of fishing activity for UK commercial fishing vessels of 15m and over in length that are deemed to have been fishing within a specified calendar year. These...

Fishing Activity for UK Vessels 15m and over 2011

This data set provides summaries of fishing activity for UK commercial fishing vessels of 15m and over in length that are deemed to have been fishing within a specified calendar year. These...

Fishing Activity for UK Vessels 15m and over 2010 Web Feature Service (WFS)

This data set provides summaries of fishing activity for UK commercial fishing vessels of 15m and over in length that are deemed to have been fishing within a specified calendar year. These...

Fishing Activity for UK Vessels 15m and over 2010 Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This data set provides summaries of fishing activity for UK commercial fishing vessels of 15m and over in length that are deemed to have been fishing within a specified calendar year. These...

Fishing Activity for UK Vessels 15m and over 2010

This data set provides summaries of fishing activity for UK commercial fishing vessels of 15m and over in length that are deemed to have been fishing within a specified calendar year. These...

Fishing Activity for UK Vessels 15m and over 2009 Web Feature Service (WFS)

This data set provides summaries of fishing activity for UK commercial fishing vessels of 15m and over in length that are deemed to have been fishing within a specified calendar year. These...

Fishing Activity for UK Vessels 15m and over 2009

This data set provides summaries of fishing activity for UK commercial fishing vessels of 15m and over in length that are deemed to have been fishing within a specified calendar year. These...

Fishing Activity for UK Vessels 15m and over 2008 Web Feature Service (WFS)

This data set provides summaries of fishing activity for UK commercial fishing vessels of 15m and over in length that are deemed to have been fishing within a specified calendar year. These...