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Allerdale Modification Planning Permission Land Charge

Modification of Planning Permission recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.

Water Framework Directive Cycle 2 Heavily Modified Water Body Use and Physical Modification

A requirement of the Water Framework Directive is to report the physical modifications and uses that have resulted in a heavily modified water body. This dataset lists the physical modifications...

Marine Management Organisation East Plan modification pack consultation responses

This data is a record of the comments made in consultation with stakeholders on the East Marine Plan document and the action taken by the Marine Management Organisation.

Testing Modifications to the Net Grid in the Farne Deeps Single Rig Nephrops fishery 2019/20 - Fisheries Science Partnership

This work was carried out as part of the Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) programme. The aim of this project was to further develop a selective Net Grid trawl with two cod ends to improve...

Transport Improvements

Local Plan Review Proposed Modifications 2005 - Development plan for the city. Transport Improvements.

Public Rights of Way Schedule 14 Applications

Schedule 14 Applications contains linear records of formal applications made under Schedule 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, for modification of the Definitive Map of public rights of way

Macrofossils Illustrated In Quarterly Journal Of The Geological Society.

5 volumes of macrofossils illustrated in the Quaterly Journal Of The Geological Society are given identifications and locality details together with the bibliographic reference. A few are foreign,...

Map based index (GeoIndex) hydrocarbon well locations (UK onshore)

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of hydrocarbon wells known to BGS. Exploration for hydrocarbons by drilling began in the 19th century and locations were recorded in...

Area VII 120mm Square Mesh Panel Evaluation 2015/16 - Fisheries Science Partnership

A trial undertaken to evaluate the performance of a 120mm square mesh panel (SMP) recently regulated in the Celtic Sea for TR1 and TR2 otter trawlers. The use of this gear modification has been...

Registered borehole specimens collection (England and Wales).

Collection of individually registered specimens and cuttings from onshore boreholes drilled in England and Wales by BGS, commercial and public bodies since the establishment of BGS in 1835. The...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Plan Areas Web Mapping Service (WMS)

The 'Marine Plan Areas' are 10 sub-areas of the 'English inshore and offshore marine planning regions'. The marine plan authority (the Secretary of State in England) is responsible for preparing...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Plan Areas Web Feature Service (WFS)

The 'Marine Plan Areas' are 10 sub-areas of the 'English inshore and offshore marine planning regions'. The marine plan authority (the Secretary of State in England) is responsible for preparing...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Plan Areas

The 'Marine Plan Areas' are 11 sub-areas of the 'English inshore and offshore marine planning regions'. The marine plan authority (the Secretary of State in England) is responsible for preparing...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Plan Areas Web Mapping Service (WMS)

The 'Marine Plan Areas' are 11 sub-areas of the 'English inshore and offshore marine planning regions'. The marine plan authority (the Secretary of State in England) is responsible for preparing...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Plan Areas Web Feature Service (WFS)

The 'Marine Plan Areas' are 11 sub-areas of the 'English inshore and offshore marine planning regions'. The marine plan authority (the Secretary of State in England) is responsible for preparing...

Cairngorms National Park Designated Boundary

The Cairngorms National Park was established in March 2003 under The Cairngorms National Park Designation, Transitional and Consequential Provisions (Scotland) Order 2003. The boundary was extended...

WFD Cycle 2 mitigation measures assessment classification

This dataset is a subset of the "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" dataset and contains summary data for the element mitigation measures assessment as used in the classification for Ecological...

ukcp09: Gridded Datasets of Monthly values - Mean wind speed (knots)

ukcp09-Gridded datasets based on surface observations have been generated for a range of climatic variables. The primary purpose of this data resource is to encourage and facilitate research into...

ukcp09: Gridded Datasets of Monthly values - Mean relative humidity (%)

ukcp09-Gridded datasets based on surface observations have been generated for a range of climatic variables. The primary purpose of this data resource is to encourage and facilitate research into...

ukcp09: Gridded Datasets of Monthly values - Mean sea-level pressure (hPa)

ukcp09-Gridded datasets based on surface observations have been generated for a range of climatic variables. The primary purpose of this data resource is to encourage and facilitate research into...